Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)

ISSN (Online) 2560-5348 *


2023 - Volume 7 - Number 2

Bilingualism’s Influence on Individual’s Cultural Perceptions

Sebastián Castro * ORCID: 0000-0001-5857-9332
Universidad de Guanajuato, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, Guanajuato, MEXICO

Open Journal for Anthropological Studies, 2023, 7(2), 47-56 *
Received: 8 June 2023 ▪ Revised: 13 November 2023 ▪ Accepted: 6 December 2023

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

This study aims to investigate the link between bilingualism, identity development, and language development is examined in this research study. It underlines the contrast between bilingualism and language acquisition and defines bilingualism as the usage of two languages within a linguistic community. The investigation of early and late bilingualism looks at how culture affects bilingualism. Additionally, it explores the idea of identity, taking linguistic and cultural ties into account. The study uses a case study design and a qualitative methodology with bilingual subjects. To collect data on language origins and cultural impressions, surveys and interviews are used. The study focuses on language development, responsibilities in the household and at school, and the cultural and linguistic identities of the participants. The purpose of the study is to comprehend how culture affects identity development, language learning, and bilingualism. In general, it advances knowledge of the complexity of bilingualism and its effects on both persons and societies.

KEY WORDS: bilingualism, cultural perception, individual, identity development, language development.

Sebastián Castro, University of Guanajuato, Division of Social Sciences and Humanities, Guanajuato, MEXICO.



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