Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)
ISSN (Online) 2560-5380 *


2018 - Volume 2 - Number 1

The Virtual, the Human Senses and One “Imperfect Concurrency”

Tatyana Vasileva Petkova * * ORCID: 0000-0003-4567-8635 * ResearcherID: I-2809-2015
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad

Open Journal for Studies in Philosophy, 2018, 2(1), 9-18 *
Online Published Date: 17 July 2018

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

KEY WORDS: digital technology, virtual space, imperfect concurrency.

The digital technology and the world of a virtual space by projecting them cardinal changed the face of the world. This wide-spread in varying degrees digital-virtual technology in modern society for nearly thirty years now, radically changed the society on a planetary scale, in various economic, political, social, legal, ethical, cultural, etc. perspectives. Indeed, to this day the world turns into a possible “togetherness” (with all possible “for” and “against” globalization) – the catalyst for this is digital, technical and technological boom. The whole boom in turn raises many questions mostly related to the source, which builds digital-technology “body” and its “life” – the human. What happened to his purely human body senses and what possible virtual or imaginary worlds hovers it? Here are a few thoughts as sketched lines in the first person singular, an essayistic-philosophical perspective on human senses and virtual. The “imperfect concurrency” ... for which we do not speak or do not think, but actually it is constituted direct and intentional phenomena of “stuff” into, within and out of the world. Moreover, we, humans, experience the world in narrow barriers of time in which there remains no reflects not seen, or rather not take very much of what happens in it. For virtual, fantasy and sensuality in touch for life. Unfortunately the humans in their existence increasingly trying to “numb themselves” rely on their eyes and ears, and to distance itself from their non-visual senses. For the loss of this ability or the need for feeling, for example, a touch of liveliness helps – contributes comparison of human, with residence and his communication in virtual space. The virtual creates the false illusion of a public (free-for-all) world, that is “with” and “together” us.

Tatyana Vasileva Petkova, South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, 66 Ivan Michailov st. 2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. E-mail:


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