Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)
ISSN (Online) 2560-5372 *


2018 - Volume 2 - Number 1

Hopelessness and the Attitude Towards Cardiovascular Diseases

Mihai Marian * * ORCID: 0000-0001-7647-709X * ResearcherID: U-9523-2017
University of Oradea, Department of Psychology

Open Journal for Psychological Research, 2018, 2(1), 13-20 *
Online Published Date: 16 July 2018

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

KEY WORDS: hopelessness, attitude, depression, cardiovascular diseases.

This study focuses on the extent to which hopelessness depression theory is applicable in the field of psycho-cardiology. The study assesses the relation between hopelessness depression symptoms in patients having cardiovascular problems and the adherence to treatment or life quality. The participants to this research were interviews and assessed with a set of scales meant to identify the objectives of the study. The results indicate an adequate internal consistency for the scales used in the study. The identified predictors are 34.4% relevant in the case of hopelessness depression symptoms and 17.6% relevant in the case of the attitude towards cardiovascular diseases. The implications of the predictors are discussed and correlated with some suggestions regarding the need for counselling or the need for prevention programs.

Mihai Marian, University street 5, 410087 Oradea, ROMANIA. E-mail:


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