Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)
ISSN (Online) 2620-102X *


2019 - Volume 2 - Number 1

Financing Higher Secondary Education: A Pilot Study on Households Expenditure Pattern

Megh R. Dangal * * ORCID: 0000-0002-3067-7405
Kathmandu University, School of Education and Arts, NEPAL

Open Journal for Research in Economics, 2019, 2(1), 13-28 *
Online Published Date: 14 July 2019

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

KEY WORDS: Higher secondary education, education financing, household financing, school expenditure.

This article deals with the issue of financing higher secondary education (grade 11 and 12) in Nepal.  The higher secondary education is growing in each passing year with the involvement of public as well as private schools. The main concern is to explore an appropriate mechanism of determining fees and pricing that are beneficial to both students as well as higher education board. In absence of standard parameters of fees structure and investment, it is difficult to estimate resources accurately. It is also difficult to find the total investment made and pattern of financing by government, households and other donor agencies including I/NGOs. In the absence of adequate documentation, it becomes difficult to make evidence-based plans and policies. So, there is a need of research that gives an overview of financing patterns in the present context for further expansion and modification of the financing pattern in this sector.

Megh R. Dangal, Associate Professor, Kathmandu University,  School of Education and Arts, NEPAL. E-mail:


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