Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)
ISSN (Online) 2620-102X *


2019 - Volume 2 - Number 2

Main Factors of Turnover and Minimization of Turnover Rate within Business Organization

Mariya Aleksandrova Ivanova * * ORCID: 0000-0002-9387-9178 * ResearcherID: L-7944-2018
New Bulgarian University, Department of Administration and Management, Sofia, BULGARIA

Open Journal for Research in Economics, 2019, 2(2), 73-84 *
Online Published Date: 27 November 2019

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)Main Factors of Turnover and Minimization of Turnover Rate within Business Organization

KEY WORDS: turnover problem, level of stress, poor management, lack of career growth and development, lack of recognition.

The report presents the turnover problems in a call center positioned in Bulgaria. This research identify the main reasons of high turnover within business case study and to identify key actions that could be done to decrease the turnover rate. The recommendations drawn from the research of a particular company may serve the project managers of other call center companies. But leaders need to consider the specificity of their organizations and make a similar study of key factors, benchmarking the results of the study presented here, and only then plan action steps for change.

Assist. prof. Mariya Aleksandrova Ivanova, Department of Administration and Management, New Bulgarian University, Sofia 1618, j.k. Ovcha kupel, Montevideo 21, BULGARIA. E-mail:


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