Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)
ISSN (Online) 2560-5283 *


2018 - Volume 2 - Number 2

A Sociological Approach to Police Officers’ Conflict Management Tools

Anisa Agastra * * ORCID: 0000-0002-2271-5758 * ResearcherID: S-2323-2018
University of Tirana, Academy of Security, Scientific Research Center

Open Journal for Sociological Studies, 2018, 2(2), 47-58 * DOI:
Online Published Date: 28 October 2018

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

KEY WORDS: conflict analysis, police officer, mapping method, management strategy, procedures, solution.

Conflicts are inseparable part of human society all over the world. Although much contemporary conflicts seem to be about political, ethnic, or religious differences, in fact these conflicts generally have an economic, and a political basis. One of the most important nowadays issue is how people manage conflict situations, driven by interests, seemingly incompatible values and hostilities. Albanian State Police strategies vision is supporting new arrangements and innovation about police communication services. In addition, it appears necessary for police officers to be prepared for effective intervention and conflict resolution. The objective of this research is to examine conflict situations and relationships in police institution. The aim is to find out which appropriate methods of analysis or management strategies are better for solutions between parties of conflicts. The method used for the conduction of this work is a qualitative one, combined with analyses of data of a short survey process. Through the literature research and analyses of the data collected from the survey there are provided ways or manners of dealing and managing conflicts situations between police officers, people and police officers or police officers in front of people who conflict to each other. Analysis of the collected data have revealed in the conclusion that in order to perfectly resolve and manage conflict situations, it’s necessary to primary deeply analyze situations. This works in police officers case, too. As a main conclusion of this paper, each police officer who deals with a conflict situation has to structure their work plan and has to mention the main points like: description of the situation, identification of six phases of a conflict situation, deepening analysis based on the “mapping” method, following police procedures and finding a path for an adequate management and solution. Mapping method is used in terms of in-depth analysis of conflict situations to bring out better understanding of conflicts causes and parties. 

Anisa Agastra (MSc.), Assistant Lecturer and sociologist, psychologist, criminologist, Academy of Security, Tirana, ALBANIA. E-mail:


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