Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)

ISSN (Online) 2560-5283 *


2020 - Volume 4 - Number 1

Male Youths’ Perceptions, Knowledge and Beliefs of Alcohol Misuse and HIV Prevention

Eugene Gabriel Machimana * * ORCID: 0000-0002-1258-4360
University of Pretoria, Department for Education Innovation, SOUTH AFRICA

Phillip Nhlanhla * * ORCID: 0000-0003-3276-2803
University of South Africa, Department of Sociology, SOUTH AFRICA

Open Journal for Sociological Studies, 2020, 4(1), 1-12 * DOI:
Received: 7 January 2020 ▪ Accepted: 7 March 2020 ▪ Published Online: 17 March 2020

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

This study investigated alcohol misuse associated with risky sexual behaviour, which poses a challenge in South Africa, where the rate of HIV transmission is high. Southern Africa faces the challenge of HIV risk behaviour, which is linked to the misuse of alcohol. The use of the qualitative research methodology was appropriate, as the researchers were interested in gaining a deeper insight into and understanding of male youth’s perceptions. The findings also indicate that alcohol has a negative impact on HIV prevention. Unprotected sex, which is connected to alcohol misuse, is one of the ways in which the HIV pandemic is perpetuated. We recommend that a policy should be developed and implemented, with regards to the integration school programs on HIV and alcohol use, in order to enable young people to prevent HIV infection. Raise ongoing awareness of alcohol abuse in communities, in order to reduce the rates of HIV transmission.

KEY WORDS: AIDS, masculinity, misuse, risky behaviour, unprotected sex.

Dr Eugene Gabriel Machimana, University of Pretoria, Department for Education Innovation, Unit of Community Engagement, Private Bag x20, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028, SOUTH AFRICA. Email:


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