Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)

ISSN (Online) 2560-5283 *


2023 - Volume 7 - Number 2

School Discipline and Greek Education: Conceptualizations and Ideological Implications

Panagiotis Giavrimis  * ORCID: 0000-0001-7368-3533
University of the Aegean, Department of Sociology, Mytilene, GREECE

Open Journal for Sociological Studies, 2023, 7(2), 51-66 * DOI:
Received: 7 November 2023 ▪ Revised: 22 December 2023 ▪ Accepted: 31 December 2023

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

The purpose of the present study is to explore middle school teachers’ views on discipline. The qualitative research method was used. The participants in the research consisted of 21 middle school teachers. The teachers in our study conceptualized discipline as a tool of orderliness, orienting individuals to conscious compliance with rules. School discipline can affect students’ social inclusion and social control. Some also referred to its ideological orientation. School discipline is implemented directly or indirectly, with educational policy and institutions playing essential mediating roles.

KEY WORDS: discipline, middle school, teachers, Greece.

Panagiotis Giavrimis, University of the Aegean, Department of Sociology, Mytilene, GREECE.


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