Center for Open Access in Science (COAS) OPEN JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS (OJRE) ISSN (Online) 2620-102X * |
Impact of Quality and Brand Image on Brand Loyalty of Bosnian Smartphone Users: Theoretical Model Development
Isaa Jukić (MA student)
International Burch University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Ensar Mekić * * ORCID: 0000-0003-2931-1382
International Burch University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
Open Journal for Research in Economics, 2019, 2(1), 29-38 *
Online Published Date: 25 July 2019
LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)Impact of Quality and Brand Image on Brand Loyalty of Bosnian Smartphone Users: Theoretical Model Development
KEY WORDS: quality, brand image, brand loyalty, smartphones, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Western Balkans.
The main purpose of this study is to provide conceptual theoretical framework with purpose to investigate effects of quality and brand image on brand loyalty of smartphone consumers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hypothesized relationships are to be investigated as this represents scientifically unexplored aspect of our daily lives. The methodology suggested to be used for data analysis is descriptive statistics and regression analysis in a case of quantitative approach whereby structured survey may be used as main data collection instrument. It is expected that results of this study will confirm hypothesized relationships. It is recommended for researchers to provide validation of the proposed model and investigate hypothesized relationships not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in other Western Balkan countries. The findings of this study will have implications for both scientists regarding their future scientific work, but also for practitioners in smartphones business regarding their marketing strategies.
Ensar Mekić, International Burch University, Francuske Revolucije bb, 71210 Ilidža, Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. E-mail:
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