Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)
ISSN (Online) 2560-5313 *


2018 - Volume 2 - Number 2

Institution of All-day Primary School in Greece: A Qualitative Approach

Antonia Skopelitou
Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs

Panagiotis Giavrimis * * ORCID: 0000-0001-7368-3533 * ResearcherID: Y-2167-2018
University of the Aegean, School of Social Science, Department of Sociology

Ekaterini Nikolarea *
University of the Aegean, School of Social Science, Department of Sociology

Open Journal for Educational Research, 2018, 2(2), 89-102 *
Online Published Date: 12 December 2018

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

KEY WORDS: All-day School (AS), All-day Primary School (APS), compensatory education, remedial teaching.

This study presents, discusses and assesses the findings of a research into All-day School (AS) and All-day Primary School (APS) institutions and the teacher’s role in them in Greece. The AS in kindergarten and primary school emphasizes the children’s process of development and learning, is flexible to shape the curriculum, prepares children for the next day’s lessons, thus pedagogically utilizing students’ free time; it helps change the pedagogical climate, develops new forms of teaching and is considered educational innovation. As far as the participants of the present research is concerned, it is made up of 22 Primary School teachers who worked in the APS in the past. The criteria for their selection were gender, years of service in Primary Education and whether they had worked in an APS. In terms of gender, the men who participated in the research were 9 and the women were 13. According to the teachers, the APS was established having the best standards. Teachers seem to support the institution and recognize the important role it can play in the students’ all-round development. However, the problems that arise are many and teachers have been trying to do their utmost with the few resources available and the absence of the State. The State must ensure that the APS will find its place in the education system and will play its social and pedagogical role.

Panagiotis Giavrimis, Department of Sociology, University of the Aegean, Postal address: Pamfilis 17, 81100 Mitilene, Greece. E-mail:


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