Center for Open Access in Science (COAS)

ISSN (Online) 2560-5313 *


2022 - Volume 6 - Number 1

Symptoms of Education Deficiency in Social Reality: Evaluation and Pedagogical Proposals for Addressing Them

Charalambos Konstantinou *
University of Ioannina, Faculty of Education, Ioannina, GREECE

Ioannis Konstantinou *
Primary School Teacher (PhD), University of Patras, GREECE

Open Journal for Educational Research, 2022, 6(1), 33-42 *
Received: 11 December 2021 ▪ Revised: 23 March 2022 ▪ Accepted: 5 May 2022

LICENCE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

ARTICLE (Full Text - PDF)

The main issue of this article is education as a meaning “process” and as the requested point (desideratum) in accordance with its role in educational and social reality. More specifically, by illustrating the aspects of this relation, we seek to give prominence to the role of education at an ethical and practical level, concerning not only citizens’ social behavior but educational institutions and wider society, as well. It is our primary intention to highlight education’s relationship with social learning and its effect on students’ social behavior, within the family and school environment. At his point, the practices that the child becomes familiar with within the family, school, and social environment in general and which eventually, play a decisive role in the development of personality and more specific in a person’s behavior, will be discussed. In addition, specific samples of young individuals’ and adults’ social behavior, which reveal the deficiency of education and at the same time concerning prevailing culture and its causes, will be determined. The article is concluded with the final observations, findings, and pedagogical suggestions.

KEY WORDS: education, social learning, social behavior, social reality.

Ioannis Konstantinou (PhD), University of Patras, Ioannina, GREECE. E-mail:


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