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1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
1IeCSHSS * 29 June 2018 *

South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, Ruse, BULGARIA


ISBN 978-86-81294-00-0

Publisher: Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, SERBIA, July 2018

The Conference Proceedings are applied for indexing in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), on 6 September 2018.

All articles published in the 1IeCSHSS: Conference Proceedings are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Authors hold the copyrights of their own articles by acknowledging that their articles are originally published in the 1IeCSHSS: Conference Proceedings.

How to reference the articles? (each article has its own DOI):
Wagner, Ch. (2018). Rationality: Beyond aesthetics and communication. In: T. V. Petkova & A. Debeljuh (Eds.), 1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-12). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

001: Rationality: Beyond aesthetics and communication
Christiane Wagner

002: Students with specific learning difficulties: What happens to pedagogical evaluation when “something is not quite right regarding inclusion in schools“?
Maria Drossinou-Korea & Theodoros Periferakis

003: “Made By: Feito por Brasileiros” and “From La Voie Humide”: An analysis about the body in transmutation on Tunga’s poetics
Vanessa Seves Deister de Sousa

004: Teacher effectiveness evaluation and not existing evaluation in Greek public schools
Anna Debrenlieva-Koutsouki

005: The role, the function and the organisation of school libraries in Greece
Anna Debrenlieva-Koutsouki

006: Values as phenomena of culture
Viktor Kryukov

007: Intercultural competence in the professional training and qualification of education specialists
Nikolay Sashkov Tsankov & Yana Velichkova Rangelova

008: Social life of Orpheus imagery: Constructing national identity
Tsvete Petrova Lazova

009: Estonia of e-Estonia: Digitalization as the highest priority for its European presidency
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova

010: Society, law and politics
Radomir Stojanović

011: Extraversion, coping styles and problem solving perception in adolescents
Maria Laetitia Panaitescu

012: From fame to shame? Study upon forming and reforming of the 19th century theatre in Hungary as reflected in the story of a family of actors
Éva Kozma

001: Rationality: Beyond aesthetics and communication

Christiane Wagner (PhD)
UNICAMP, Institute of Arts, Campinas, São Paulo, BRAZIL * ORCID: 0000-0002-3445-1446 * Researcher ID: T-9766-2017

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-12). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This proposal focuses on the accelerating technical progress, rationality and its socio-political issues. It is considered that the control over communication, media, and arts does not necessarily mean that such power is exercised politically, but more that it is contained in politics (Weber, 1924). While technological development is an outstanding representative of forms, it has been observed that building a narrative through images is dependent on the artificer or artist’s ability to develop and perform concerning the idea of transforming or improving. Apart from the attraction of images, which has always been emphasized in the communication process and language development, the experience of aesthetics is changing as a result of technological advances. Moreover, several notions have been added to the discussion, such as those about progress, the social impact of automation, and the role of intellectuals and scientists as builders of the “invention”, generating “the artificer”.

Keywords: rationality, aesthetics, technology.

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002: Students with specific learning difficulties: What happens to pedagogical evaluation when “something is not quite right regarding inclusion in schools”?

Maria Drossinou-Korea (PhD)
University of the Peloponnese, Faculty of Philology, Kalamata, GREECE * ORCID: 0000-0002-3668-4825 * Researcher ID: G-7466-2018

Theodoros Periferakis (PhD student)
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Linguistics, GREECE * ORCID: 0000-0001-5827-3181 * Researcher ID: G-7707-2018

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 13-22). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Pedagogical evaluation of students with special educational needs in primary and secondary education poses an insoluble problem even at this day and age. This is made evident every time that “something is not quite right regarding inclusion in schools” in the cases of students that have been diagnosed with specific learning difficulties (dyslexia). Our entry refers to the problem of attendance, teaching and evaluating students with diagnosed specific learning difficulties known as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and dysorthographia in primary and secondary education, over the time span of the years 2000-2011. In our methodology, we utilized a sample of 200 cases of dyslexia over the course of the years 2002-2010, as well as bibliographical retrospect. In our results we were able to identify cases that had been diagnosed with dyslexia while, in reality, there were other special needs lurking, the coexistence of which in the same case was actually of greater significance as far as the course of teaching/learning was concerned. Additionally, even in cases of students where the content of the multidisciplinary diagnosis referred to specific learning difficulties, these were “non-existent”, while special educational needs concerned inclusion problems because the difficulties of learning had not been taken into account, a direct result of other diagnoses. The vast majority of them did not mention a single thing about specific learning difficulties according to disorders of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or child/adolescent deviant behavior due to parental negligence, parental abuse or instances of inter-domestic violence.

Keywords: pedagogical evaluation, specific learning difficulties.

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003: “Made By: Feito por Brasileiros” and “From La Voie Humide”: An analysis about the body in transmutation on Tunga’s poetics

Vanessa Seves Deister de Sousa (MA)
UNICENTRO, Department of Arts (DEART), Guarapuava, Paraná, BRAZIL * ORCID: 0000-0002-2131-8961 * Researcher ID: I-6094-2018

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 23-38). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Recurrent on the Brazilian visual artist known as “Tunga” and unquestionably in vogue on the visual arts field, the rereading of the body by the hybrid languages of the contemporary art resets the debate about its place in society. Rendering problematic themes such as identity, science, history, reason, fiction, sexuality and time, among other issues, through performances, instaurations, installations, happenings, sculptures, fictional writings, paintings, photographs, videos, books, etc.; Tunga writes a new chapter on the Brazilian Art History, in consonance with this tendencies known as “expanded field” of the contemporary art. In this article, the Tunga’s poetic will be analyzed from the thematic “body in transmutation”, an issue that dialogues with all of his trajectory as a visual artist and widely explored on the expositions “Made By: Feito por Brasileiros” and “From La Voie Humide” that occurred in the city of São Paulo, in the year of 2014.

Keywords: Brazilian art, contemporary art, body.

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004: Teacher effectiveness evaluation and not existing evaluation in Greek public schools

Anna Debrenlieva-Koutsouki (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-8996-7055 * Researcher ID: E-1859-2018

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 39-52). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Nowadays’ students are the future of humanity. So it is very important that all of them without exception must have a good teacher. Most educators agree that great teachers are crucial to the success of students. However, the question of whether the school is doing enough to evaluate teachers objectively and accurately and how to use this information to improve the quality of education, is constantly relevant, both in theory and in practice in any self-respecting educational system. In the Greek public schools, the teachers’ performance evaluation in any form was terminated in 1983, as the inspection carried out up to that point led to a number of negative consequences. It is assumed that it no longer corresponds to a modern and democratic understanding of the need to assess the effectiveness of the teachers’ performance, its profound meaning, its aims and functions, the specific forms and criteria applied, the usefulness and effectiveness of the entire process and the subsequent access and optimal utilization of the results obtained at the end of each stage and cycle, at all levels and by all related instances. Over the last 30 years, this issue has been discussed at the scientific, political and labor union level. There is a large amount of proposals and many pieces of legislation have been voted on, but in practice teacher evaluation has not been carried out. At present, it is expected with great ambiguity that schools will self-assess within one school year and managers will be certified by line teachers. In this paper, we present a historical retrospection of the above-mentioned processes after 1983, as well as an analysis of the current state of evaluation of the work carried out by teachers in the educational system of the Republic of Greece. Obviously, the situation is inconsistent with the recommendations of the European Institutions, pedagogical science, practice in most countries in Europe, North and South America and Australia, as well as public expectations of state education in the country. In conclusion, it should be stressed that it is necessary to provide answers to a number of questions as to which changes need to be made, which models, methods, criteria and procedures are best suited to the application of specific conditions, how the teacher assessment tool will be linked to the high expectations of such an activity and the mandatory objectivity at all levels and by all participants.

Keywords: teachers’ performance, teachers’ performance evaluation, teachers’ performance assessment, educational system, school law.

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005: The role, the function and the organisation of school libraries in Greece

Anna Debrenlieva-Koutsouki (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-8996-7055 * Researcher ID: E-1859-2018

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 53-64). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The article analyzes the concept of library, which is considered to be the collection of books with a certain classification with the purpose of preserving and disseminating the recorded knowledge or, according to another definition, is the collection of printed and audiovisual material, concentrated in a place for study, research and entertainment. Then, a general historical retrospection of the creation, organization and operation of libraries is made, concluding that the development of libraries are determined by the social, economic, cultural and educational needs of each age. By observing the field of education we see that the modern education addresses the challenges of the new multidimensional world. New functional perspectives for the use of a school library are also being explored in the new educational programs. We see in Greece that the first remarkable efforts to create school libraries in Greece began before the revolution of 1821, at the end of the 18th century. In Dimitsana, Zagora, Ioannina, Ambelakia, Chios, etc. The evolutionary course of the creation of school libraries is an ongoing process, an effort that has been reflected in various pieces of legislation throughout the life of the Greek state. By comparing the general history of school libraries in Europe and America, we examine and focus on their legislative course in Greece ending up at the year 2003 where the Framework for the Operation of School Libraries is issued, which defines the institutional and organizational framework for their operation, taking into account international experience and relevant organizations. In 2006 the network was expanded with its new libraries, funded by European funds. By analyzing the philosophy of the role of the objectives and the relationship with the curriculum in Greek education immediately it is revealed that there is a need for the establishment of one united, on a national level, political function and organization of school libraries. In conclusion, we can say that it is not enough that a school class should only have access to Internet to meet the requirements of a 21st century school. In the future, a new way of learning is considered essential for students who will live and work in a complex informational environment, to distinguish between what is valid, reliable, meaningful, lasting and ephemeral. This new assignment cannot be achieved by teachers themselves. It is an excellent opportunity for school libraries to play a more meaningful role and to teach students how to appreciate information critically and competently.

Keywords: school libraries management, educational system.

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006: Values as phenomena of culture

Viktor Kryukov (PhD)
Novosibirsk State Technical University, Department of Philosophy, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 65-70). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This article offers a version of understanding values ​​as elements of culture. As a fundamental idea, Adam Smith accepted the classical theory of labor value, but with a significant generalization of this idea from the economic context as a special case to the general theoretical level of social philosophy, in which values ​​are understood as products of any, both practical and intellectual activity. The principle of social egocentrism and interpretation of the main categories of values ​​are also proposed.

Keywords: value, product of labor, person, thing, sign, institution.

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007: Intercultural competence in the professional training and qualification of education specialists

Nikolay Sashkov Tsankov (PhD) * Researcher ID: 3949-2014
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA

Yana Velichkova Rangelova (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Pedagogy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 71-76). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Modern development of educational practice and policies brings up more requirements to the professional profile of education specialists and it requires searching for better options for the improvement of their professional training and qualification. On the other hand, the multicultural context and the need of creating a tolerant environment in education focuses on the importance of developing educational specialists’ intercultural competence as a crucial professional prerequisite. Operationalizing intercultural competence and an adequate approach analysis of the processes and stages of its complete development, is an integrative part of the design of the educational environment. This paper focuses on the university training practices in Bulgaria and attempts to define the problem fields of intercultural competence, its content and its representation in the curriculum and syllabi used for the training of the educational specialists. The research covers two aspects. The first aspect refers to the theory and offers a critical analysis of the current educational standards in the context of intercultural competence. The second aspect refers to practice. A survey has been made with working educational specialists in different educational institutions about their personal level of intercultural knowledge and skills and the intercultural requirements of their working environment to outline the most important dimensions of the intercultural competence as a part of their professional profile. At the end, the role of the additional forms of qualification throughout different training programs and levels for the intercultural skills improvement has been discussed.

Keywords: education specialists’ qualification and training, intercultural competence, professional competence.

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008: Social life of Orpheus imagery: Constructing national identity

Tsvete Petrova Lazova (PhD)
New Bulgarian University, Department of Anthropology, Sofia, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-5276-9522 * Researcher ID: E-5799-2018

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 77-92). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: It is a truism today that antiquities are valuable resource of symbolic capital of the modern nations. Therefore in many research fields a strong focus can be seen on the uses/abuses of the past in constructing national identity of the “imagined community” of the nation. I isolate the figure of Orpheus whose Thracian-ness fuelled “the grand national narrative” in Bulgaria in the last few decades. It is studied in the context of the shared, connected, and entangled history of the Balkans produced by Bulgarian, Romanian and Greek scholars. Their valuable reflexive and critical studies of the usable past are fruitful for the development of new perspectives in the academic space. The “eye of anthropology” gives priority to cultural phenomena and makes it possible to evaluate these imageries as cultural products in specific contexts. They are embedded through different media in everyday life which produce a number of representations – municipality emblems, narratives, films, monuments of the fabricated “national hero”.

Keywords: antiquities, symbolic capital, national identity, nature of sources, limits of interpretations, management of origins, everyday life, banalized nationalism.

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009: Estonia of e-Estonia: Digitalization as the highest priority for its European presidency

Tatyana Vasileva Petkova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0003-4567-8635 * Researcher ID: I-2809-2015

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 93-98). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: On the 1st of July 2017, Estonia took over the Presidency of the Council of the EU for six months. The country experienced its first Presidency since joining the EU as a member of the community. On the 1st of January 2018, Estonia handed over the Presidency of the EU to Bulgaria. Estonia has placed as the central priority for its Presidency digitalization of civic and corporate life, and its remaining priorities for this six-month period are an open and innovative European economy, a secure Europe, and free movement and data exchange. E-government is the business card of Estonia, which logically puts digitalization and the digital society at the heart of its Presidency. Estonia today uses the Internet as much as possible – for example, for online voting, tax payments, health records and services (personal pharmacy prescription drugs can be bought via personal code). A digital ID card gives access to a wide range of services. All this digitization began in the early 1990’s and was reinforced by the educational system.

Keywords: the EU, Estonia, digitalization, digital society.

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010: Society, law and politics

Radomir Stojanović (PhD)
University of Priština, Faculty of Law, Kosovska Mitrovica, SERBIA

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 99-104). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The relationship of society, law and politics is extremely complex. The position of the individual in a necessary system of legal-political relations, we have subsumed under the original syntagm, totalized individuality, by which we denote the subordination of the individual to the regime of domination, which is in its turn, the expression of the interests of the ruling structures. Technological progress is the basis of this domination, whose base is the power to impose political and legal order, as a form of sociability that erases individuality. Technological development is far ahead of the organization of society, which is supposed to be following. We seek to structure the society in accordance with this fact in the idea of culture, which, by means of law and politics, is favoring the spirituality of the individual, as a dam for current superficial human existence. By means of culture, as the formula for structuring the society, human individuality should be preserved.

Keywords: politics, law, freedom, society, justice, moral.

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011: Extraversion, coping styles and problem solving perception in adolescents

Maria Laetitia Panaitescu (PhD student)
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-9231-0505 * Researcher ID: G-7756-2018

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 105-112). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Our study aimed to investigate the association of extraversion with preferred coping styles and also problem solving perception in adolescents. A sample of 131 high-school adolescents was included in the study, 75 girls and 56 boys, age varying from 15 to 18. Data were collected using the Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire, COPE Inventory and Problem Solving Inventory. Results showed that girls with a lower level of extraversion have a higher level of confidence in problem solving abilities, compared with the group with higher level of extraversion. We found a positive correlation between high levels of extraversion and active coping which means that extraverted adolescents tend to adopt problem focused coping style, compared to introverted adolescents which have the tendency to adopt a passive behavior in stressful situations. By identifying present coping mechanisms in an early period, we can increase awareness of maladaptive use of coping styles and we also can provide multiple skills that helps adolescents to achieve a sense of mastery over stressful situations.

Keywords: extraversion, coping styles, problem solving, adolescents.

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012: From fame to shame? Study upon forming and reforming of the 19th century theatre in Hungary as reflected in the story of a family of actors

Éva Kozma (PhD student)
Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA * ORCID: 0000-0002-1345-5229 * Researcher ID: G-8121-2018

1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 113-126). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: In the beginning of the 19th century there existed an abstract ideal of theatre in Hungary, besides the wandering theatre-companies all over the country. This ideal was a national, moral and patriotic theatre that both educates and entertains people: citizens and aristocrats. This paragon and the practice of the companies had led to building The National Theatre in Budapest. Also this invoked a series of problems regarding rural/urban (virtues, actors, criticism, audience, drama, theatre), parameters of quality, etc. The research focuses upon a special family (a theater director father, an actress wife and actress daughters): the Komlóssy family. After years of wandering in the west part of Hungary, finally – according to their fame – they were invited to the new theatre in the capital. What kind of mentality/style differences had led to their separation, to the shaming failure of Mrs. Komlóssy, and finally their leaving the national theatre?

Keywords: rural, urban, theatre, 19th century, romantic, sentimental, actress, director.

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Aims and Scope

The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference is organized as a kind of a multi-disciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.

The following areas of study are covered by the e-Conference: Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Science of Education, History, Linguistics, Arts, Sociology, Political Science, Law, and Economics.

The e-Conference is organized exclusively as an online conference, and the English was the only language of the conference.

Organization of the e-Conference

Two phases of the e-Conference realization are applied.

The first phase was the e-Pre-Conference Discussion (from 24 to 28 June 2018), and this phase is followed by the posting at the COAS website different textual forms sent by the e-Conference participants, such as discussions, analyses, critics, comments, suggestions, proposals, etc., regarding exposed abstracts. All textual forms are reviewed and posted at the COAS website by the e-Conference moderators.

The second phase was the e-Conference Discussion, and it is realized at the e-Conference day (29 June 2018), from 00 to 24 (GMT+01:00). This discussion is realized in the same way as the e-Pre-Conference discussion, regarding the full texts exposed at the COAS website.

All submitted abstracts/full texts went through two reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least two reviewers), and (2) non-blind (two members of the Scientific Committee). Final decision for the presenting and publishing depended of the two kinds of reviews, thus a paper is recommended by non-blind reviewers and blind reviewers, in order to be accepted for presentation at the conference and to be published in the Conference Proceedings.

The full texts scheduled to be published in the Conference Proceedings, with regular ISBN number, or in the one of COAS Open Journals (authors choose the option). The e-Conference Proceedings was published online on 9 July 2018, as it was previously scheduled, and submitted for indexing in different international databases. The key elements from the e-Pre- and the e-Conference discussions are summarized and also published as part of the Conference Proceedings, by decision of the Scientific Committee.

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 COAS e-Conferences


The COAS conceptualizes, plans and organizes e-conferences, as a kind of online international sessions, in different areas of science. E-conferences will be organized with different academic partners (institutions of higher education, research institutes, governmental institutions, NGOs, scientific associations, etc.).


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