5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
How to reference the articles? (each article has its own DOI): |
Thenga, G. (2020). An evaluative study of criminalistics: A case of South African counterfeiting and knock-off menace. In T. V. Petkova & V. S. Chukov (Eds.), 5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-16). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science. https://doi.org/10.32591/coas.e-conf.05.01001t |
001: An evaluative study of criminalistics: A case of South African counterfeiting and knock-off menace
Godfrey Thenga
002: Harmonizing different cognitive styles through reading
Olga Vishnyakova, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Polina Sergienko & Elizaveta Vishnyakova
003: Promoting authenticity in the ESP classroom: The impact of ICT and use of authentic materials on student motivation
Mirjana Borucinsky & Jasmina Jelčić Čolakovac
004: A discourse analysis of English-Arabic cross-culture interactions between Arabic speaking mother and an English-speaking daughter: An interactional sociolinguistics approach to ESL teaching
Azza Abugharsa
005: Zambian values
Antonios Maniatis
006: Reception of selected texts with the theme of Shoah by students of the lower secondary school
Milan Mašat & Kristýna Šmakalová
007: Grammar of the unity in Europe – The case of Russia
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova & Daniel Galily
008: Dynamics of the cognitive dysfunctions in school-age children with epilepsy
Mimoza Maloku Kuqi
009: Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations
Ivaylo Dagnev & Zlatka Chervenkova
010: Kurds – “External” and “internal” in Syria, Khaibun’s Organization and “Arab Security Belt” (Security Belt Forces)
Vladimir Stefanov Chukov
011: Administration of the Council of Ministers in the Republic of Bulgaria
Margarita Cheshmedzhieva & Vesela Mircheva
012: The role of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in education systems – A perspective of educational reforms in Kosovo
Jehona Rrustemi & Tatyana Atanasoska
013: The place of human being in reality: Modes of different religions
Antoaneta Nikolova
014: Effective crisis governing communication during non-popular decisions in Bulgaria
Nikolay Tsenkov & Zdravka Andonova
015: Aspects of the ideal of socialist masculinity and its disintegration – From the “iron men” to the man-centaur
Gergana Popova
016: Counseling work in families of children with special needs
Nikolaos Georgoulas
017: The concept of self in Eastern and Western philosophy
Petar Radoev Dimkov
018: Increasing power of women on labor market in Western Balkans
Kamelia Assenova
019: A debater's art is all wit and witticism
Nina Ilieva
020: The essence of the polygraph method and its usage in Bulgaria
Velina Vladimirova & Todor Todorov
021: Specificity in psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders
Lubomira Dimitrova
022: Unemployment of NEETs - Analysis of phenomenon in the Voivodeships of Poland
Michal Mrozek
023: Forms of human violence exacerbated in the covid-19 pandemic period: Theoretical approaches and conclusions of current studies
Bara Georgeta
024: Areas and indicators of the quality of family life in the families of children with autism spectrum disorder
Ioana Aurelia Serfezi
001: An evaluative study of criminalistics: A case of South African counterfeiting and knock-off menace
Godfrey Thenga (PhD)
University of South Africa, College of Law, School of Criminal Justice, Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA
tshabg@unisa.ac.za * ORCID: 0000-0003-4557-8271 * Researcher ID: AAG-5403-2020
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-16). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: Counterfeit goods are a health hazard to human life, environment and business. More so as the goods destroy the viability of legitimate businesses across the world. Counterfeit goods are characterised as a threat to the financial viability of legitimate businesses and has a dire impact on the tax revenue of countries, necessitating its effective and efficient policing for the financial wellbeing of countries. If not well managed, counterfeit goods could lead to unemployment, disinvestment and capital flight in countries. The available evidence reveals that even though counterfeit goods has dire consequences for the economic wellbeing of countries, its penalties in most African countries are less severe in comparison to penalties for other crimes. The sight of counterfeit goods in many places, such as on busy street corners and transportation terminals in the Southern parts of Africa, attests to its prevalence in the continent. Especially in South Africa as the country has become a transit point for contrabands. Post 1994, South Africa opened its borders to the world of branded and protected goods and this enabled rogue people to trade in counterfeit goods. Effective policing is hindered by the use of sophisticated skills and expertise that leads to counterfeit goods resembling genuine goods. Moreover, in South Africa, the problem persists despite the promulgation of the Counterfeit Goods Act 37 of 1997, thus questioning the effectiveness of the policing strategies in use to quell the problem.
Keywords: consumer fraud, policing of counterfeit goods, dealing with counterfeit goods, corruption, money laundering..
002: Harmonizing different cognitive styles through reading
Olga Vishnyakova (PhD)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological Faculty, Department of English Linguistics, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
ol-vish@mail.ru * ORCID: 0000-0002-1617-051X
Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva (PhD)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, History Faculty, Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
ostvera@yahoo.com * ORCID: 0000-0002-9760-3857
Polina Sergienko (PhD)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Foreign Language and Area Studies, Department of English for the Humanities, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
sergienkopauline@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0002-8443-1654
Elizaveta Vishnyakova (PhD)
Leo Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English, Tula, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
vishnyalis@yandex.com * ORCID: 0000-0003-3133-9587
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 17-30). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: With the present day clipping consciousness domination, it is of primary importance to develop reading competences taking into consideration students’ different cognitive styles, i.e. the way the learners think and perceive information as well as remember it. As it has been established, cognitive styles are not homogenous, thus providing the opportunity to subdivide students into convergent and divergent learners. Development of special exercises is required to eliminate psycho-methodological variations undesirable in terms of language acquisition and differences between different types of thinking as well as to harmonize the learners’ cognitive styles in the course of reading. Although people are born with different cognitive styles that determine the specificities in their perception and generation of texts, it is possible to minimize the cognitive styles differences by means of various activities that call for a special study in the field under consideration. The article deals with the use of descriptive-analytical method and comparative-contrastive analysis to discover the cognitive similarities and differences between convergent cognitive style learners and divergent cognitive style learners. The study is based on the proposition that cognitive psychology strategies should be used to eliminate the learners’ cognitive style differentiations and develop the learners reading competences in the course of their ways of thinking harmonization.
Keywords: cognitive style, thinking, reading competences, psychology, harmonization.
003: Promoting authenticity in the ESP classroom: The impact of ICT and use of authentic materials on student motivation
Mirjana Borucinsky (PhD)
mborucin@pfri.hr * ORCID: 0000-0002-1132-9720 * Researcher ID: AAE-3230-2020
Jasmina Jelčić Čolakovac (PhD)
jelcic@pfri.hr * ORCID: 0000-0002-1241-1283 * Researcher ID: AAE-2243-2020
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Chair of Foreign Languages, Rijeka, CROATIA
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 31-44). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: In ESP (English for Specific Purposes) classrooms, learners can be exposed to both unauthentic, i.e. adapted, and authentic texts. Choosing to introduce materials through the ICT method can also add to their authenticity since learners are often exposed to authentic materials via computers and mobile devices. In our study, we aimed to investigate the effects of technology and authenticity of teaching materials on student motivation and reading comprehension. By manipulating levels of authenticity (adapted vs. authentic materials) and method of exposure (traditional pen-and-paper vs. ICT method) we discovered greater comprehension was achieved with learners exposed to adapted texts through ICT, whereas highest motivation was achieved for learners exposed to authentic texts through ICT. Our pre- and post-test motivational survey points to a strong correlation between authenticity and ICT and student motivation although better comprehension is still achieved through the use of classroom-adapted materials.
Keywords: ESP, authentic materials, ICT, language learning, reading comprehension, student motivation.
004: A discourse analysis of English-Arabic cross-culture interactions between Arabic speaking mother and an English-speaking daughter: An interactional sociolinguistics approach to ESL teaching
Azza Abugharsa (PhD)
Montclair State University, Department of Linguistics, Montclair, UNITED STATES
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 45-58). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: This study focuses on conversations between a Middle Eastern mother and her daughter who live in the United States. They travelled to the United States when the daughter was 3 years old and both have lived there for twelve years. Discourse analysis of conversations between the mother and her daughter, in addition to other speakers at the mosque, reveals the challenges the daughter faces when speaking Arabic due to her insufficient knowledge of Middle Eastern culture despite her comprehension of the linguistic structure of utterances both at the semantic and grammatical level. The findings reinforce Grice’s (1989) term conversational cooperation that requires mutual comprehension of speakers’ intentions which underlie the linguistic level of utterances. By applying these findings on an ESL setting, it follows that ESL learning requires using the usage-based approach to reinforce communicative competence in addition to learning the grammar of the language.
Keywords: intercultural, sociolinguistics, translation, communication, overgeneralization, ESL.
Antonios Maniatis (PhD)
University of Patras, Department of Administrative Science and Technology, Patras, GREECE
maniatis@dikaio.gr * ORCID: 0000-0002-7537-8724
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 59-68). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The Republic of Zambia is in the process of neo-constitutionalism. Just like the rest of the African countries, Zambia in the 1990s acquired a new constitution, based on the authentic model of democracy. Although with delay against the rest of the African countries, it has adopted the model of a constitutional tribunal. In the 2016 version of the constitution, this jurisdictional novelty has been introduced and ties in well with the movement of constitutionalism. Democracy and constitutionalism have been explicitly consecrated among the national values and principles of Zambia, in the current constitution. Last but not least, bill number 10 of August 2019 constitutes the latest attempt to amend the constitution, but this does not necessarily mean a real promotion of constitutionalism and other national values.
Keywords: human rights, human value / ‘’αξία’’ (“axia”) (human dignity), isonomy (democracy), national values and principles, national symbols (emblems), Zambia.
006: Reception of selected texts with the theme of Shoah by students of the lower secondary school
Milan Mašat (PhD student)
milan.masat01@upol.cz * ORCID: 0000-0001-8602-3059 * Researcher ID: D-9219-2019
Kristýna Šmakalová (PhD student)
kristyna.smakalova01@upol.cz * ORCID: 0000-0003-1600-2281
University Palacký Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Department of Czech Language and Literature, Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 69-82). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The paper presents the rate of reception and interpretation of selected texts on the topic of Shoah by pupils of the lower secondary school in one region of the Czech Republic. The level of reception and interpretation was monitored through a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire contains excerpts from three artistic narratives, in which one line of events of World War II is thematized, and a section in which we follow the basic demographic data on respondents to the research (gender, year that respondents attend, etc.). The research is part of the verification phase, which serves to verify the selection of selected intentional texts on the topic of the Shoah, which we intend to integrate into the monothematic anthology of the Shoah texts, which are intended for all grades of lower secondary schools. For this purpose, the questionnaires differ in the level of the samples included – other samples are intended for respondents from different grades, due to the fact that the reception requirements and the interpretation of texts depend on the receptive and cognitive abilities of pupils in individual grades.
Keywords: Shoah, reception, interpretation, lower secondary school, monothematic set of Shoah texts.
007: Grammar of the unity in Europe – The case of Russia
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova (PhD)
tatianavas@abv.bg * tpetkova@swu.bg * ORCID: 0000-0003-4567-8635 * Researcher ID: I-2809-2015
Daniel Galily (PhD student)
daniel.galily@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0001-9111-4502 * Researcher ID: D-4390-2019
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 83-92). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: This study aims to present that the grammar of the unity in Europe not only passes through the successful integration of all countries in the EU and the integration of new EU Member States, but mostly through the save and the use of the European spirit in all countries in Europe. We often forget that the largest country in Europe is Russia – it covers half of geographical Europe. The thought by Nikolai Berdyaev that “Russia must to acknowledge itself like a West. Like an East-West, which brings together two worlds, not divide them”, will be the leading construction in clarifying the thesis about a cultural compromise which Russia made in its history in order to afford the Russian notorious unity or the ideas for “Svyatáya Rusʹ” (Holy Russia), “Glubokaya rus'skaja duha” (Great Russian soul) and the “Russian idea” against the ethnic and a religious diversity in the Russian society. Various political, economic, social, cultural, philosophical and religious factors and trends that lead to consciousness to speak of unity, Russian identity and Russian nationalism will be analyzed. The theses of Yevgeny Primakov, Aleksandr Dugin and Dmitri Trenin will be tracked. Russia must also comply with international law, which it often violates, so that Russia can be seen as a bridge between West and East.
Keywords: grammar, political rules, international law, EU, Europe, Russia, West, East..
008: Dynamics of the cognitive dysfunctions in school-age children with epilepsy
Mimoza Maloku Kuqi (PhD)
Albanian University, Tirana, ALBANIA
University Clinical Center of Kosovo, Clinic of Neurology, Pristina, KOSOVO
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 93-98). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The purpose of the present article is to explore and analyze the development of neuropsychological profiles in school-age children suffering from epilepsy. A second aim is to elicit inferences on the factors, nature and comorbidity of idiopathic epilepsy typologies with cognitive deficits in these subjects. The method used in the present study is of observational, retrospective and comparative type. The results of the metanalytical process will be determined through examination of specific literature and dynamic analysis of the nature and association of epilepsy with cognitive dysfunctions in this group-age. At the end of this article, some considerations will be articulated on the didactic, re-education and forms of effective psycho-education in order to modify not only the curricular but also the extracurricular dynamics of these subjects.
Keywords: epilepsy, cognitive deficits, intelligence, pediatric age, psychoeducation.
009: Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations
Ivaylo Dagnev (PhD)
Medical University - Plovdiv, Medical College, Plovdiv, BULGARIA
ivaylo.dagnev@mu-plovdiv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0002-8287-5307 * ResearcherID: AAG-2132-2020
Zlatka Chervenkova (PhD)
Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv, Department of Philology, English Philology, Plovdiv, BULGARIA
zlatka.chervenkova@uni-plovdiv.net * ORCID: 0000-0001-9993-2825
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 99-112). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: Since Aristotle metaphor was relegated to the domain of literature, until the revolution instantiated by Lakoff and Johnson in the 1980s, which established its pervasiveness in language and thought but, paradoxically, alienated metaphor research from poetics. The latter has slowly been finding its feet in conceptual metaphor studies and with the new development of corpus research obtained ample material for cross-cultural analysis especially with the help of parallel texts studies – an efficient way to delve into linguistic and culturally-defined differences. The aim of the research is by identifying the conceptual metaphor behind the metaphorical linguistic expressions in key texts from five of the greatest stylists of the English language and by comparing them to their translations into Bulgarian, to check whether metaphor is lost or transformed in any way. Conclusions are made regarding literature in translation, suggesting cases in which it is inferior to original writing in terms of metaphor type and density.
Keywords: cultural linguistics, Conceptual Metaphor Theory, translation studies.
010: Kurds – “External” and “internal” in Syria, Khaibun’s Organization and “Arab Security Belt” (Security Belt Forces)
Vladimir Stefanov Chukov (PhD)
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, European Studies Department, BULGARIA
vladimir_chukov@abv.bg * vlach1@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0002-4544-3708 * Researcher ID: Y-9550-2018
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 113-122). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: This study aims to present the Kurds – “External” and “Internal” in Syria, Khaibun’s Organization and “Arab Security Belt” (Security Belt Forces – قوات الحزام الأمني). During the period 1958-1961, in which Syria became part of the United Arab Republic (UAR), a new migration wave from Turkey to the Arab country was observed. The article analyzes: Kurdish’s migration wave; the principle “The land is on this one, that processes it”; political power; genesis of Syrian Kurds; Khaibun’s Organization and its fate.
Keywords: Kurds, Syria, Kurdish refugees, Arab Security Belt.
011: Administration of the Council of Ministers in the Republic of Bulgaria
Margarita Cheshmedzhieva (PhD)
margo4@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0002-4875-3656 * Researcher ID: F-2634-2014
Vesela Mircheva (PhD)
valensia@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0002-6184-7788 * Researcher ID: AAM-6005-2020
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Law and History, Department of Public Law, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 123-136). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The Council of Ministers in the Republic of Bulgaria, as a state with a parliamentary form of government, is a supreme political body that governs and implements the country’s internal and foreign policy (Article 105, paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria). In this sense, it is central to the political life of the country. That is why the work of his administration is key to good governance. This article clarifies the concept of “administration” by distinguishing it from other similar concepts. The functions and structure of the general and specialized administration of the Council of Ministers are analyzed as well as the organization of their work. Public trust in the state administration depends to a large extent on the objectivity and transparency in conducting the competitive procedures and in the appointment of civil servants to employees who have the necessary competence to perform the particular public position. In this regard, the article also examines the types of positions in the administration of the Council of Ministers, the basic requirements for their occupation, their distribution in job levels, the ranks that are awarded as an expression of the professional qualification of employees, as well as the evaluation of the performance of the position.
Keywords: Council of Ministers, public administration, civil servant, good governance.
012: The role of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in education systems – A perspective of educational reforms in Kosovo
Jehona Rrustemi (PhD candidate)
University of Pristina “Hasan Pristina”, Faculty of Education, Pristina, KOSOVO
jehona.rrustemi@uni-pr.edu * ORCID: 0000-0001-7536-3816
Tatjana Atanasoska (PhD)
University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Education, Bitola, NORTH MACEDONIA
tatjana_atanasoska@yahoo.com * ORCID: 0000-0002-7214-8798 * ResearchID: AAG-3729-2020
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 137-148). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is a very important organization in providing insight into the impact of educational reforms in a country since it offers good co-operation opportunities between member states whose governments can compare experiences of their educational policies to seek out and identify best practices. According to the organization, the success of educational reforms is demonstrated by the international PISA test conducted with 15-year old students. However, despite the success and failure of students in the PISA test, the benefits of educational reforms can still be seen in various aspects. This paper describes the role of the OECD in educational reforms in general and the benefits of educational reforms in Kosovo based on the research “Concepts of Citizenship in Students of Primary Schools in Kosovo”, despite the poor performance of Kosovar students in the PISA international test.
Keywords: OECD, PISA, TALIS, educational reform.
013: The place of human being in reality: Modes of different religions
Antoaneta Nikolova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
Leipzig University, Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Studies, Leipzig, GERMANY
anikolova@swu.bg * ORCID: 0000-0001-9215-5090 * Researcher ID: U-3157-2017
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 149-166). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: We live in difficult times that raise many questions and challenges. One of them is related to the realization of the role and place of the human being in reality. This is especially important now, when the human being is increasingly threatening his oikos, the home he inhabits. On the other hand, the global world gives possibilities for mutual connections and transformations of different cultures. Each culture is connected with a particular religion or religions. Therefore, it is useful to discuss how different religions understand the place of the human being in reality. In this paper, I will compare the modes of this understanding developed in Christianity, Hinduism, Daoism and Buddhism.
Keywords: human being, reality, Christianity, Hinduism, Daoism, Buddhism.
014: Effective crisis governing communication during non-popular decisions in Bulgaria
Nikolay Angelov Tsenkov (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
n_tsenkov@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0001-9024-1067 * Researcher ID: E-1681-2019
Zdravka Andonova (PhD candidate)
Sofia university “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia, BULGARIA
zandonova@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0001-8386-2340 * Researcher ID: AAG-4512-2020
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 167-178). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The research presents a model of the study of the management of political communications in a crisis situation. The functionality of the model is verified by empirical research of governing communication in Bulgaria in cases when non-popular decisions and legislative acts are adopted which leads to strikes and loss of public trust. Sometimes politicians make a step back, sometimes they react with late crisis communication. The following thesis is examined: the government, the parliament and the ruling political parties do not have at their disposal a system of good communication management in times of crisis. Firstly, on the basis of an evaluation of existing models, a synthetic working model for effective crisis communication management of governing institutions and parties has been built, which is the basis of the empirical study. Then it is tested during case study of some examples and interviews with experts, communication managers and politicians. After the collection and analysis of empirical findings, the model has been developed and enriched.
Keywords: political communications, crisis situation, crisis communication management, Bulgarian politics.
015: Aspects of the ideal of socialist masculinity and its disintegration – From the “iron men” to the man-centaur
Gergana Popova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
gerp@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0003-1101-0733 * Researcher ID: F-1847-2014
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 179-188). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The paper studies the socialistic interpretation of the Bulgarian sportsmen called “iron men” i.e. the sportsmen competing in the highly developed in socialist Bulgaria “power” sports (wrestle, boxing, and weightlifting). The article claims that the development of “power” sports along with the generally negative Communist conceptualization of the rough power serves the skillful balance between the explicit rules and the hidden requirements of the system. In its second part the paper studies the turning of this sportsman into the “mutra” – one of the popular masculine figure on 90s in Bulgaria. The “mutra” is conceptualized as a man-centaur – a masculine figure which body mixes bestial and human characteristics. The article claims that in a way this kind of body evokes not only fear or disgust but also admiration and envy and it constitutes one of the ideal types of masculinity in Bulgaria after 1989.
Keywords: ideal masculinities, iron men, power sports, socialist masculinity, mud.
016: Counseling work in families of children with special needs
Nikolaos Georgoulas (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
nikosgeorg@windowslive.com * ORCID: 0000-0001-9993-2825
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 189-196). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is the counseling of parents of children with special educational needs. For the welfare of children with special needs, we need to understand the nature and manner in which disability is presented in the areas of cognition, self-service and social integration, as well as emotional and behavior problems. In order to understand the needs of a disadvantaged child, the consultant must always bear in mind that a child’s disability does not diminish his needs, but instead makes the process of meeting these needs more complicated. In counseling and education of parents, according to the principles of the Behavior Theory, the active assistance to parents on learning how to teach their child new skills and how to handle the problematic behavior is emphasized.
Keywords: counseling of parents, counseling of children with special needs, counseling work in families.
017: The concept of self in Eastern and Western philosophy
Petar Radoev Dimkov (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
petardimkov@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0003-4368-9015 * Researcher ID: C-2915-2019
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 197-204). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The problem of the self currently remains unsolved. In the literature, there are many correlated concepts, such as: self-consciousness, consciousness, self, personal identity and other. Eastern and Western concepts of the self are diametrically opposite. Sigmund Freud, for example, introduced the structural model of the psychic apparatus, part of which is the ego, which, however, does not completely cover the concept of self. David Hume, from a philosophical perspective, conceived the self as an illusion – only contents of consciousness are present, which are not constant, but changeable; for Hume, the only thing that exists is the theater of consciousness. Georg Hegel argued that when the self thinks about itself, it has to include itself in this thought, but this represents a paradox. Immanuel Kant viewed the self as a thing-in-itself or a noumenon. Eastern philosophy unequivocally argues that the self is an illusory fiction and that it does not exist in reality. It is evident that there exists a pluralism with respect to the existence of the self, as well as that some Western authors have similar views to the Eastern concept of the self (e. g. Hume). In the current article, the most notable concepts of the self in the Eastern and the Western philosophy will be discussed and a conceptual-linguistic analysis of the notion of self and its correlated notions will be performed. Subsequently, it will be shown how a linguistic confusion influences the search for the material substrate of the self in the fields of neuroscience and neuropsychology.
Keywords: self, consciousness, Eastern philosophy, Western philosophy, nirvana, mystical experience, neuroscience.
018: Increasing power of women on labor market in Western Balkans
Kamelia Assenova (PhD)
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, BULGARIA
kamelia_a@yahoo.com * ORCID: 0000-0001-8726-0654
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 205-212). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The main goal of economic policy in Western Balkans is higher economic growth. This aim could be realized by increasing productivity of labor force. Now, the economic development of Western Balkans is a base for democratic development of the region. The rates of economic growth are positive and sustainable. The role of women increases in the process of economic development. At the same time, the gender stereotyping consists of beliefs and attitudes that create different expectations for individuals based on their gender and can lead to biases, including on the labor market. The main challenge for women is abusing of this gender bias and takes part in on equal base on labor market. The research investigates the protection of women rights on the labour market in Western Balkans. On this market processes are bilateral. From one side, the high economic growth leads to strong protection of women rights. From other side, more active participation of women in the economy supports the usage of all human recourses and increasing of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The protection of women rights on the labour market are measured with following variables: (1) the population with upper secondary education by sex – males and females, because the education is the base and more important condition for successful participation and competitiveness on the labour market; (2) the rate of unemployment by sex – males and females, annual average in percentage, because it shows successful participation on labor market; (3) gender pay gap by sex in percentage, because it shows the valuation of women activities on labor market. The education of women depends on the economic growth in the countries. By the economic growth, the labour demand is more than supply, the income increases. It enhances all, including women to improve their education. It is long impact of economic activities on the employment, which confirm the countries in the region need from stable economic development. The part of protection of women rights is evaluation of work through the wages and income. For the region of Western Balkans is not typical so big differences in income by sex.
Keywords: regional development, Western Balkans, education, labor market, wages.
019: A debater's art is all wit and witticism
Nina Zlateva Ilieva (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
ninail@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0003-3323-3743 * Researcher ID: F-6752-2014
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 213-218). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The popular definition of the purpose of art is associated with the need to share feelings and ideas, which causes pleasure from the contact with the different art forms. A purpose of art, however, could be to provoke thought. Contemporary art reveals art forms which rely on the broadness and versatility of perception, and on spontaneous and surprising emotions. This paper is oriented towards provocative contemporary art forms, which most often focus on creative freedom and thus appear to protect civil liberties. Considered are emblematic in this respect art forms (installations, performance) and also provocative events from the world of show business.
Keywords: art, intentionality, provocation, message, civil society, creative freedom.
020: The essence of the polygraph method and its usage in Bulgaria
Velina Vladimirova (PhD)
vladimirova@assess.bg * ORCID: 0000-0003-4888-7053
Todor Todorov (PhD)
office@assess.bg * ORCID: 0000-0002-3701-5359
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 219-224). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: This paper discusses the nature of the polygraph method, the scientific research in connection to the validity of the technique and its ability to discriminate between truthful and untruthful statements. The essence of the procedure is presented, its stages as well as the types of tests and their purpose. A review of the literature shows the development of the method and its usage in the public and private sector in Bulgaria.
Keywords: polygraph, lie detection, public sector, private sector, screening, scientific method.
021: Specificity in psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders
Lubomira Dimitrova (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
lubomira16@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0001-5536-6761
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 225-230). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders is distinguished by the special insight that the therapist must possess in order to conduct it. The different therapeutic modalities emphasize their individual methods of intervention. The peculiarities of working with psychosomatics are locked in creating an emotional connection with the mental world and the ability to express each emotion in its “healthy” form. The permission that people give themselves to be as they are is the purpose of the whole psychotherapeutic process. Each setting is based on self-acceptance and in most cases the need to increase the client's self-esteem.
Keywords: Sigmund Freud, masses, group psychology, libido.
022: Unemployment of NEETs - Analysis of phenomenon in the Voivodeships of Poland
Michal Mrozek (PhD student)
University of Szczecin, Institute for Economics and Finance, Szczecin, POLAND
michaladrianmrozek@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0001-5647-3243
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. ---). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The presentation regards labor market policy in reducing the level of unemployment among the NEETs. The aim of the presentation is the assessment of the labor market policy in reducing the unemployment of the NEETs in the Voivodeships of Poland. The assessment will take place within the rate and dynamic change of rate of young people NEETs (aged 15-24), neither in employment nor in education and training (NEETs rates). The following research problems was put forward: What is the diversification of the percentage share among NEETs in the Voivodeships of Poland? Which of the voivodeships of Poland have the highest, middle and the lowest percentage change of rate of NEETs. In the theoretical part of the presentation was depicted the following issues: definitions of the NEETs, the characteristic of the generation of NEETs, the negative consequences of the phenomenon of NEETs, labor market tools in Poland directed to the unemployed young people aged up to 30. In the empirical part was presented the analysis of the percentage share of the NEETs, analysis of the dynamics of the changes within percentage share of the NEETs by the researched Voivodeships of Poland. In the studies was carried out the analysis of the documentation, statistical analysis, comparative analysis, analysis of the dynamics. The results showed that the researched Voivodeships of Poland are diversified between themselves within rate, dynamics of change of the unemployed youth (NEETs). The inference process took place in the deductive way.
Keywords: labor market policy, labor market tools, unemployment, the Voivodeships of Poland, young people (NEETs).
023: Forms of human violence exacerbated in the covid-19 pandemic period: Theoretical approaches and conclusions of current studies
Georgeta Bara (PhD student)
University of Oradea, Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences, Oradea, ROMANIA
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. ---). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: Human violence is, above all, a recurring theme of contemporary societies, a worrying phenomenon that requires the prevention and intervention of the society of each society. The forms of violence are more and more conditioned, and we dress in new ways and the context of the manifestation becoming a fatality with care for people everywhere coexist. Although my doctoral dissertation aims at “school violence”, we cannot ask ourselves, take care to restrict their limits, of social control, poverty and frustration to accumulate the emergency period and social control, the institution in Romania must pandemic Covid-19, and how will the psychosocial impact be addressed at this time in terms of social relations and social lives? We approach in this paper the theoretical aspect and to supervise information about the scientist of this subject. We will capitalize in this material on some recent, careful international studies and information that attest to domestic violence and can be created over time during quarantine, and the poverty line is reached by vulnerable groups is the premise for many delicate, which can already be discovered.
Keywords: violence, pandemic, risk factors, vulnerable groups, crime.
024: Areas and indicators of the quality of family life in the families of children with autism spectrum disorder
Ioana Aurelia Serfesi (PhD student)
University of Oradea, Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences, Oradea, ROMANIA
aureliaserfezi@yahoo.com * ORCID: 0000-0001-8549-7447
5th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. ---). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: Quality of life (QOL) is the level of functional well-being in many areas of an individual's life. It is increasingly recognized as a dimension of work in the study of disturbances in the social functioning of the individual. The conceptualization of the results of the quality of family life has been extremely limited so far. In contrast to the quality of individual life, the quality of family life addresses the impact of the quality of individual life on the family - individual interaction and influence because they produce the concept of quality of family life. Having a child with autism spectrum disorder is associated with stress in caring for children, as well as less time for parents to meet their needs. In order to identify areas and indicators of family quality of life in the families of children with autism spectrum disorder we organized two focus groups, the first of which were - 1 doctor, 2 psychologists, 3 therapists, 1 social worker, 2 teachers, and a second focus group with 7 parents who have children with autism spectrum disorder, who come from both rural and urban areas.
Keywords: autism, quality of life, indicators.
Your presentations (regarding to your own abstract or text), and different kinds of comments, analyses, critics, etc. (regarding abstracts and texts of other participants) will be posted here... Send to e-conference@centerprode.com ... |
#1 Azza Abugharsa, Montclair State University, Department of Linguistics, Montclair, UNITED STATES (004) Comment on 004 - 24 June 2020, 00:05 (GMT+01:00): A discourse analysis of English-Arabic cross-culture interactions between Arabic speaking mother and an English-speaking daughter: An interactional sociolinguistics approach to ESL teaching This paper focuses on the interactions between a mother and her daughter who belong to different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The interactional sociolinguistics approach is applied in order to analyze the discourse features of these conversations. The purpose of this study is to indicate that linguistic competence in isolation is not enough for second language learning; it needs communicative competence of language use in social interactions. Lack of sufficient knowledge of context needs and cultural norms can result in an undesired deficiency in proper communication. |
#2 Jehona Rrustemi, University of Pristina “Hasan Pristina”, Faculty of Education, Pristina, KOSOVO Comment on 012 - 24 June 2020, 00:15 (GMT+01:00): The role of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in education systems – A perspective of educational reforms in Kosovo Dear organizers, congratulations on the excellent organization of the e-conference. Concerning our research, we hope that from the full article we showed A perspective of Educational Reforms in Kosovo, despite of the results in the PISA test 2015 and PISA 2018. However if there are any further questions or queries we are pleased to answer. Thank you once again! |
#3 Jehona Rrustemi, University of Pristina “Hasan Pristina”, Faculty of Education, Pristina, KOSOVO Presentation for 012 - 24 June 2020, 00:21 (GMT+01:00): The role of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in education systems – A perspective of educational reforms in Kosovo |
#4 Ivaylo Dagnev (PhD) Comment on 009 - 24 June 2020, 09:31 (GMT+01:00): Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations Cultural linguistics cannot bypass the highest manifestation of both culture and language, namely, literature, and especially the transformations occurring during translation between languages and cultures of the highest form of the language of literature that is taught and analyzed in schools and the academia. Cognitive linguistics can be a great tool in literature classes, throwing light on literary analysis by allowing our conceptual knowledge of conventional metaphor to serve as a stepping stone for explaining the hidden meaning of the work veiled in lexicalized, sleeping, conventional or novel linguistic metaphorical expressions. In literary discourse, due to the clustering of metaphors, the author’s message still gets across in translation, because of the metaphor network that spreads throughout the text, the possibility of the translator to compensate for the ‘zero solutions’, or the loss of a metaphor by introducing another metaphor in a place where no such metaphor exists in the original. |
#5 Jasmina Jelčić Čolakovac (PhD) Comment on 009 - 24 June 2020, 11:19 (GMT+01:00): Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations The article draws heavily on CMT theory and MIP VU procedure of metaphor identification. Different metaphors are analyzed and discussed in the context of translation. The English metaphorical instances are translated into Bulgarian by means of various techniques such as loss and adding of metaphors. The authors conclude it is “a matter of chance to have a similar expression in the target language” (p. 9). I would like to suggest it is perhaps more than just a matter of chance – theories on metaphor universality have shown us comparable metaphorical entailments existing in various languages, particularly those which are perceived as geographically or historically tied. Future research might thus focus on how shared and non-shared conceptual metaphors influence the choice of translation technique in the case of English and Bulgarian literary texts. |
#6 Ivaylo Dagnev (PhD) Reply to comment on 009 made by Jasmina Jelčić Čolakovac (#5) - 24 June 2020, 13:42 (GMT+01:00): Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations In that train of thought, it would be a challenging idea to juxtapose various conceptual metaphors (shared and non-shared alike) and their interplay across related Balkan languages, for example, Serbo-Croat and Bulgarian on the one hand and English on the other. Let’s see if there are any emerging shared patterns that might reflect translation choices in similar translation settings. Such research may throw light on many aspect of language conceptualization, translation strategies, language contact and development. It could be a start of a broader joint project, aiming at exploring the role of figurative language specifically and language diversity in general. |
#7 Antonios Maniatis (PhD) Invitation relates to 005 - 24 June 2020, 13:58 (GMT+01:00): Zambian values INVITATION TO THE FREE COURSE “PUBLIC LAW OF ZAMBIA’’ Students and scientists coming from Law Science and other academic fields are invited to become students of the academic course “Public Law of Zambia’’. It is about an English-language academic course, based on open and distance-learning methodology. The course analyzes various aspects of Constitutional History of Zambia and of African Constitutionalism, of Zambian Constitutional Law and of Zambian Administrative Law. You have to pay no fees and you will be awarded a certificate of attendance, provided you participate in the final exams. The study is scheduled to last 1 academic semester (4 months). For further information and/or registration, you may contact the Course Coordinator Prof. Antonios Maniatis, whose Conference paper ‘’Zambian Values’’ is presented in the current Conference (e-mail: maniatis@dikaio.gr). Antonios Maniatis |
#8 Jasmina Jelčić Čolakovac (PhD) Comment on 009 (Reply to #6) - 24 June 2020, 18:15 (GMT+01:00): Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations It is my belief comparative studies of conceptual metaphors in translation across different languages might contribute greatly to the body of knowledge on conceptualization in different languages. It would be interesting to note how culture as a factor exerts its influence on the translational choices when it comes to different languages. For example, would a Croatian translator opt for the same metaphor as a Bulgarian translator would if we take into consideration that both experts have the same pool of equivalent metaphors at their disposal? Some very interesting research questions have been raised in this paper which are worth exploring even further. |
#9 Olga Vishnyakova (PhD), Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva (PhD), Polina Sergienko (PhD) Comment on 002 - 24 June 2020, 21:39 (GMT+01:00): Harmonizing different cognitive styles through reading Dear members of the organizing committee. We are honored to participate in this respectful conference. As for our report we would like to underline, that reading nowadays is of primary importance, because today students prefer to watch videos and listen to lectures rather than read full texts. We are perfectly well aware that learners are not alike in the acquisition of the material. And to achieve good result concerning extracting information from texts, its interpretation and rendering, it is necessary to work our exercises that would answer the needs of every representative of cognitive style thinking. Out of the distinguished four cognitive style learners, such as convergers, divergers, accommodators and assimilators, we have focused our attention only on two of them. They are convergent and divergent style learners. Being opposed to one another, they can be harmonized through various scenarios of teaching. |
#10 Olga Vishnyakova (PhD), Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva (PhD), Polina Sergienko (PhD) Comment on 005 - 24 June 2020, 22:02 (GMT+01:00): Zambian values Dear organizing committee. We are happy to be given a chance to comment on the articles, submitted to your conference. We would like to say that the article 005 by Antonios Maniatis “Zambian values” has aroused the interest in us. We were happy to learn that Zambian national values have a lot in common with other countries. They value morality and ethics, patriotism and national unity, democracy and constitutionalism most of all. This is the way to the prosperity, democracy and well-being of the people. We are positively surprised that the topic of the African continent is being discussed at your conference. Africa is considered to be the cradle of civilization and deserves multilateral analysis. |
#11 Olga Vishnyakova (PhD), Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva (PhD), Polina Sergienko (PhD) Comment on 017 - 24 June 2020, 22:39 (GMT+01:00): The concept of self in Eastern and Western philosophy The author of the article 017 Petar Radoev Dimkov has chosen a very difficult subject matter for his analysis. The concept of self has been in the focus of attention for centuries by such outstanding philosophers as S. Freud, D. Hume, G.W.F. Hegel, I. Kant, but it hasn’t been solved so far. The author examines the concept of self from the vantage point of the 21st century, because only today it is possible to study this subject matter in detail on the basis of Eastern philosophy and compare the Eastern and Western worldviews to find the aurea mediocritas and come to the balanced conclusion. |
#12 Azza Abugharsa, Montclair State University, Department of Linguistics, Montclair, UNITED STATES (003) Comment on 003 - 25 June 2020, 08:16 (GMT+01:00): Promoting authenticity in the ESP classroom: The impact of ICT and use of authentic materials on student motivation Students tend to adopt different learning strategies such as overgeneralizations and word-by-word translations. Moreover, they tend to think in their native language and speak in the target one. These issues can cause deficiency to language learning. Therefore employing the usage-based approach can constitute a solid foundation for more authentic learning. How can the principles of this approach be applied in ESP teaching process? |
#13 Ivaylo Dagnev (PhD) Comment on 003 - 25 June 2020, 11:10 (GMT+01:00): Promoting authenticity in the ESP classroom: The impact of ICT and use of authentic materials on student motivation The article skillfully interweaves several key areas of ESP. It delves into the intricacies of modern information retrieval in the ESP process, combining it with a critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of learner-centered and teacher-centered approaches. The former lays the emphasis on authenticity, as the target of language learning is communicative competence, while the latter is preoccupied with the concept of efficiency and efficacy of foreign language teaching. Striking a balance between these two fundamental issues, as the article affirms, is difficult and time-consuming, so exploring the issue in depth is worth examining. From a similar perspective (being a teacher of ESP and EAP environment myself) I firmly agree with the corollaries drawn, relating to the suitability of authentic materials in the different settings of ESP. The scaled gradient alluded to by the authors in that respect is in line with my own observations of the ESP learning process. |
#14 Jasmina Jelčić Čolakovac (PhD) Comment on 003 (Reply to #12) - 25 June 2020, 11:21 (GMT+01:00): Promoting authenticity in the ESP classroom: The impact of ICT and use of authentic materials on student motivation ESP, like any other teaching context, can benefit greatly from usage-based approaches to language learning. ESP learners are specifically drawn to making parallels between their L1 and L2 forms and encounter difficulty if there is a lack of overlap in meaning as well as form. Our experience has taught us exemplar-based learning yields the greatest retention of both meaning and form when it comes to ESP vocabulary instruction. |
#15 Petar Radoev Dimkov (PhD student) Comment on 021 - 25 June 2020, 16:27 (GMT+01:00): Specificity in psychotherapy of psychosomatic disorders Mrs. Dimitrova has chosen to research one of the most difficult and actual problems today, namely the treatment of psychosomatic disorders. Usually, they are conceived as the transformation of an "excessive" psychic energy into a somatic disorder. However, the scope of the treatment of such disorders is very wide, because the origins of the accumulation of such dangerous psychic energy usually are found in the external environment, especially in our human society. It is my opinion that the mechanical treatment of such disorders with psychopharmaca is not really solving the underlying problem. That is why psychotherapy provides better possibilities for success. However, one should not forget that their combination usually provides the best treatment response. Nonetheless, the best way, it seems, to counteract the very development of such disorders are psychoprophylaxis and psychohygiene. This means that the people, the ones who are vulnerable to and the ones who can negatively contribute to the development of such disorders, have to be educated in advance about the possible outcomes of their behavior and communication with others. Currently, we are far away from this utopian state of affairs as even psychotherapy is not always applied in such cases, but only psychopharmacotherapy. |
#16 Lubomira Dimitrova (PhD student) Comment on 001 - 25 June 2020, 16:36 (GMT+01:00): An evaluative study of criminalistics: A case of South African counterfeiting and knock-off menace Your report is very interesting for me as a researcher. I would like to ask you a question about what made you interested in this subject. Thank you. |
#17 Antonios Maniatis (PhD) Comment on 005 - 25 June 2020, 19:05 (GMT+01:00): Zambian values Multiple Choice Test on ''Zambian values'' Questions:
Correct Answer:
Correct Answer: |
#18 Ivaylo Dagnev (PhD) Comment on 003 - 26 June 2020, 09:03 (GMT+01:00): Promoting authenticity in the ESP classroom: The impact of ICT and use of authentic materials on student motivation Running parallel to the main theme of research in the article, adaptation of specialized texts is also a key area of study and could be placed on a scale: original - adapted (partially contrived) – totally contrived texts. There are many walks of analysis around this continuum. First, the level of adaptation influences the use of specialized text for the learning process. Second, an exploration of the extent and type of processed linguistic elements may reveal the hierarchy of linguistic structures in terms of difficulty in ESP settings. Third, such an examination may lead to the construction of learning strategies aiming at gradually raising the degree of target language awareness. Delving into text adaptation may also facilitate the analysis of text typology, which is also conducive to academic writing. |
#19 Olga Vishnyakova (PhD), Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva (PhD), Polina Sergienko (PhD) Comment on 002 - 26 June 2020, 09:13 (GMT+01:00): Harmonizing different cognitive styles through reading The article raises a very important issue, the one that is frequently neglected by the teachers, who evaluate the students disregarding their cognitive style thinking peculiarities. Convergers are distinguished by the capability to obtain knowledge and experience through abstract conceptualization; afterward they transform this experience by way of testing. The absence of excitements makes the convergers contend with objects rather than with people. They are skilled at realistic application of ideas, can focus on specific issues, and are believed to have narrow interests. Divergers are more creative and emotional than the convergers. They have a vivid imagination and can see objects from different positions. Divergers are motivated learners who try to answer the "why" questions to construct different scenarios of a situation. Divergers, in comparison with convergers would rather reason and explore preferring the information to be given to them in a detailed, systematic and reasoned manner. |
#20 Godfrey Thenga (PhD) Comment on 001 (reply to #16 - o21) - 26 June 2020, 09:24 (GMT+01:00): An evaluative study of criminalistics: A case of South African counterfeiting and knock-off menace Thank you very much. Counterfeit and knock-off affect every nation in the world. This causes a serious problem in countries although with varying degrees. I was a member of the elite investigation body in the country and working with multi-national brand owners and enforcement agencies to fight the scourge in the Southern African region just before joining the academic sector. I developed interest in this multi-billion industry after noticing how businesses, people and governments are affected by this trade. |
#21 Margarita Cheshmedzhieva (PhD) Presentation for 011 - 26 June 2020, 17:58 (GMT+01:00): Administration of the Council of Ministers in the Republic of Bulgaria |
#22 Konstantina Kouraki (student), GREECE (external visitor) Comment on 005 - 26 June 2020, 20:25 (GMT+01:00): Zambian values Studying the public law of Zambia’s democracy, it came to my notice how a country with democratic constitution based on people’s individual freedom and fundamental rights is against homosexuality and it is considered as a felony which is being prosecuted by law with the deprivation of atomic freedom. I sympathize with the fact that a country is defending her moral values which is pleasant, but in my opinion this stand is excessive and the competent authorities should be more flexible about the peculiarity of homosexual people in contrast of religious topics. The native values of Zambia form a challenge for wider international discussion. |
#23 Michal Mrozek (PhD student) Presentation for 022 - 27 June 2020, 10:32 (GMT+01:00): Unemployment of NEETs - analysis of phenomenon in the Voivodeships of Poland |
#24 Olga Vishnyakova (PhD), Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva (PhD), Polina Sergienko (PhD) Comment on 009 - 27 June 2020, 12:41 (GMT+01:00): Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations The subject matter of your article is very interesting. We like your idea to compare metaphors functioning in different languages within one language group. We would like to join your project and contribute Russian metaphors to be compared with the English ones, within the frame of your research. Moreover, it is important to compare Russian metaphors with the Slavic, Serbian and Bulgarian ones, to find out whether our mentality is alike, because once at the dawn of history we were one people, we shared one alphabet, at first the Glagol (Glagolitiс alphabet) that later was substituted by the Cyrillic alphabet that was created by two brothers Cyril and Mephodius – the apostles of the Slavs. Even today we have shared mentality and shared metaphors, but it is subject to investigation. |
#25 Antonios Maniatis (PhD) Presentation for 005 - 27 June 2020, 18:22 (GMT+01:00): Zambian values |
#26 Georgeta Bara (PhD student) Comment on 023 - 27 June 2020, 22:28 (GMT+01:00): Forms of human violence exacerbated in the covid-19 pandemic period: Theoretical approaches and conclusions of current studies Dear organizers, congratulations on the excellent organization of the electronic conference. Attention must change in pandemic care and influence aggressive, medium-term and influential behavior, or shape the care created to have a psychosocial impact at this time, which can be reflected in the relationship and social life during that time. The research allows me to also focus on restricting restraint, social control, accompanying and returning accumulation during the state of emergency and social control, established in Romania that must pandemic COVID-19 in terms of concerns social behavior in schools. |
#27 Godfrey Thenga (PhD) Comment on 022, 023 and 024 - 28 June 2020, 11:15 (GMT+01:00): Good day everyone. This side of the world is winter and we are still under lockdown level 3 (COVID-19). To Michal, Georgeta and Ioana you are welcome! Your Abstracts are appealing. Conference organizers and facilitators - congratulations on the sterling work you’ve managed to put up in this e-conference. So far - interesting papers that I have read. Could we kindly have full texts for the above three mentioned colleagues, please. |
#28 COAS Editorial Council, Belgrade, SERBIA Reply to #28 - 28 June 2020, 11:27 (GMT+01:00): We would like to inform you that participant 022 takes part at the Conference without full text, and the full texts of participants 023 and 024 will be published soon in the COAS Open Journal for Sociological Studies (ERIH Plus listed journal). |
#29 Kamelia Assenova (PhD) Presentation for 018 - 28 June 2020, 12:05 (GMT+01:00): Increasing power of women on labor market in Western Balkans |
#30 Kamelia Assenova (PhD) Comment on 018 - 28 June 2020, 12:23 (GMT+01:00): Increasing power of women on labor market in Western Balkan Dear members of Editorial Board, congratulation for excellent organization of the conference. With my paper I would like to focus on status of women on labor market in the Western Balkans’ countries. We, on the Balkans, have different behavior comparing with Western countries in Europe. We know that the Balkans countries have GDP per capita lower than more of EU countries. The main goal of economic policy in the Western Balkans could be higher economic growth. This aim could be realized by increasing productivity of labor force and active participation of women. |
#31 Ivaylo Dagnev (PhD) Comment on 009 (reply to #24) - 28 June 2020, 14:08 (GMT+01:00): Comparative study of metaphor in literary texts and their translations Yes, it will be interesting to have Russian and other Slav languages studies, exploring the same texts and using a similar methodology of metaphor identification and analysis. A lot of in-depth linguistic knowledge, both in terms of pure comparative insights and translation strategies, could be gained through such a multilingual examination. |
#32 Ivaylo Dagnev (PhD) Comment on 002 - 28 June 2020, 17:39 (GMT+01:00): Harmonizing different cognitive styles through reading The article profoundly explores different styles of cognitive thinking, laying the focus on information and knowledge acquisition differences based on the cognitive abilities. I was intrigued by the way the two major types – convergent and divergent thinkers are identified. Finding a subtle and well-structured procedure for that purpose would be essential as a first step in foreign language learning. Beyond that, it is interesting how the way we perceive and process information influences such creative undertakings as academic writing, translation, etc. This topic can engender many different directions of study. |
#33 Michal Mrozek (PhD student) Comment on 024 - 28 June 2020, 17:49 (GMT+01:00): Areas and indicators of the quality of family life in the families of children with autism spectrum disorder Ioana, you have touched really interesting and present-day theme. I completely agree with you that having a child with autism spectrum disorder is associated with stress in caring for children, as well as less time for parents to meet their needs. Nowadays, in the dynamic changing world there is very meaningful the cooperation of the all institution supporting such families in teerms of their problems they have to face up and need that they want to meet. Ioana, you have made significant contribute to the science and made very good basis for the furter researchers dealing with that problematic area. Good luck in the further research path. Good job!!! |
#34 Michal Mrozek (PhD student) Comment on 018 - 28 June 2020, 17:58 (GMT+01:00): Increasing power of women on labor market in Western Balkans Dear Kamelia, I have just made familiar with the studies you had carried out and I have to admit that your contribute to touched scientific area is very significant. This is the fact that it should be more and more actions made by central, regional, and local authorities within improving the situation of women on the labor market in the Western Balkans but also in the other parts of the world where the women’ s working conditions are violated. There are many countries where the gender inequalities between men and women exists. Among such labor market inequalities we can include salary inequality, treating at working place, working conditions inequality. There is satisfactory that the situation of women on the labor market is improving. This is worth to develop and deepen that idea in the further researches. Good luck on the further research path. Best regards from Poland. |
#35 COAS Editorial Council, Belgrade, SERBIA The end of the Conference - 28 June 2020, 24:00 (GMT+01:00): Dear participants, the COAS e-Conference is officially finished. We are so grateful to you for performing activities of posting presentations and comments in these 5 days, and we think that it contributes to the Conference to be more successful. |
The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multi-disciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
These are the following areas of study covered by the e-Conference: Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Science of Education, History, Linguistics, Arts, Sociology, Political Science, Law, and Economics.
The e-Conference is organized exclusively as an online conference, and the English was the only language of the conference.
Two phases of the e-Conference realization are applied.
The first phase was the e-Pre-Conference Discussion (from 24 to 27 June 2020), and this phase is followed by the posting at the COAS website different textual forms sent by the e-Conference participants, such as discussions, analyses, critics, comments, suggestions, proposals, etc., regarding exposed abstracts. All textual forms were reviewed and posted at the COAS website by the e-Conference moderators.
The second phase was the e-Conference Discussion, and it was realized at the e-Conference day (28 June 2020), from 00 to 24 (GMT+01:00). This discussion was realized in the same way as the e-Pre-Conference discussion, regarding the full texts exposed at the COAS website.
The accepted abstracts and full texts are published in the e-Conference Proceedings, with regular eISBN number. The e-Conference Proceedings are published in an open access mode, and submitted for indexing in different international databases. The key elements from the e-Pre- and the e-Conference discussions are summarized and also published as part of the e-Conference Proceedings, by decision of the Scientific Committee.
All submitted abstracts/full texts went through two reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least two reviewers), and (2) non-blind (two members of the Scientific Committee). Final decision for the presenting and publishing depended of the two kinds of reviews, thus a paper is recommended by non-blind reviewers and blind reviewers, in order to be accepted for presentation at the conference and to be published in the e-Conference Proceedings.
IBAN RS35160005400002555368
© Center for Open Access in Science
The COAS plans and organizes e-conferences, as a kind of online international sessions, in different areas of science. E-conferences will be organized with different academic partners (institutions of higher education, research institutes, governmental institutions, NGOs, scientific associations, etc.). |