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7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
7IeCSHSS * 24-28 June 2021 *

Faculty of Philosophy, South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
Faculty of Business and Management, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Ruse, BULGARIA
Albanian University, Tirana, ALBANIA

Aims and Scope * Organisation * Texts and Participants * Discussion Window


ISBN (Online) 978-86-81294-08-6

Publisher: Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, SERBIA, July 2021

The Conference Proceedings are applied for indexing in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).

All articles published in the 7IeCSHSS: Conference Proceedings are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Authors hold the copyrights of their own articles by acknowledging that their articles are originally published in the 7IeCSHSS: Conference Proceedings.

How to reference the articles? (each article has its own DOI):
Sergienko, P., Minyar-Beloroucheva, A., Vishnyakova, O., & Vishnyakova, E. (2021). Professional vocabulary awareness within PR specialist’s personality development. In T. V. Petkova & V. S. Chukov (Eds.), 7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-14). 28 June 2021, Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

Texts and Participants

001: Professional vocabulary awareness within PR specialist’s personality development
Polina Sergienko, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Olga Vishnyakova & Elizaveta Vishnyakova

002: A few notes on the book “Call me by your name” by André Aciman
Milan Mašát & Adéla Štěpánková

003: Evaluative methodology to develop higher skills
Margarita Aravena-Gaete, Diana Flores Noya, David Ruete & Danilo Leal

004: Multidisciplinary Indigenous research: Preliminary findings of a scoping review of Canadian scholarship (1997 to 2020)
Jimena Marquez

005: United Europe – Yes, or no?
Amra Nuhanović & Jasmila Pašić

006: New dimensions of the perception and experience of time in conditions of the global risk society
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova

007: Socio-economic and spiritual-religious specifics of the Syrian Kurds
Vladimir Stefanov Chukov

008: Implementation of circular economy business models by SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Amina Kahriman & Nataša Tandir

009: Evolution of “memory studies”: Between psychology and sociology
Tatiana Pushkareva, Daria Agaltsova & Olga Derzhavina

010: Formation of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-, based on the material of ancient Russian written records
Tatiana Galochkina

011: Targeted, individually structured special education and training intervention programs and pedagogical applications in museum
Maria Drossinou - Korea

012: Promoting the integration of a student with autism in the General School with Erasmus KA3 / e-twinning actions
Maria Drossinou - Korea & Athina Avramidi

013: Self-esteem and motivation for affiliations with students from the humanities
Stoil Mavrodiev & Teodor Gergov

014: A case analysis of political discourse ambivalence: Between the truth and falsity
Lyubov Gurevich

015: Theosophical duty as an alternative to the risk society
Anna Kaltseva

016: Social aspects of the intra-EU mobility
Krasimir Koev & Ana Popova

017: Social-behavioral development
Nikolaos Georgoulas

018: Municipal companies and city associations – Political economics in the local government in Israel
Daniel Galily & David Schwartz

019: The relation of “positive psychotherapy” and art in the process of therapy
Lubomira Dimitrova

020: Nietzsche’s nihilism and the crisis of values
Valeri Valchev

021: The place of Philo of Alexandria in the history of philosophy
Georgi Shavulev

022: Genre-based approach to corpus compilation for translation research
Jana Kegalj & Mirjana Borucinsky

023: It’s all Greek to me: Missed Greek loanwords in Albanian
Panagiotis G. Krimpas

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001: Professional vocabulary awareness within PR specialist’s personality development

Polina Sergienko (PhD)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0002-8443-1654

Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva (PhD)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, History Faculty, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0002-9760-3857

Olga Vishnyakova (PhD)
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philological Faculty, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0002-1617-051X

Elizaveta Vishnyakova (PhD)
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Tula, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0003-3133-9587

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-10). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The article deals with the concept of language personality of public relations (PR) undergraduates as well as the process of its terminological awareness, being part of general linguistic competence. This issue is regarded as one of the most important ones, however it has not been in the focus of linguistic attention. The concept in question is based on the anthropocentric approach to modern linguistic research. The study of the undergraduates’ linguistic personality development reflects individual characteristics as well as the professional orientation of the second language thus encompassing a wide range of issues. Within the scope of cognitive linguistics concepts identification that represent the mental space of the language personality of the undergraduates reveal the essence of the phenomenon and stages of its development. The findings testify to the maxim that thought can be understood through language. At the present stage the development of linguistic personality is fostered by the advances of e-learning. The authors come to the conclusion that PR undergraduates should be taught the terminology constituent of the professional language to be successful in the acts of professional communication.

Keywords: language personality, public relations, PR undergraduates, professional vocabulary, terminology.


002: A few notes on the book “Call me by your name” by André Aciman

Milan Mašat (PhD student) * ORCID: 0000-0001-8602-3059 * Researcher ID: D-9219-2019

Adéla Štěpánková (PhD student) * ORCID: 0000-0001-9791-1721

University Palacký Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Department of Czech Language and Literature, Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 11-14). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: In the article we deal with the interpretation and analysis of selected topics and motives in the narrative of André Aciman’s publication Call me by your name. After a summary of the story, we take a closer look at the genesis of the two men’s relationships in the context of their Jewish faith. We also depict the transformation of their animal sexual relationship into a loving relationship associated with psychic harmony. The final passage of the article is devoted to the conclusion of the book, in which the message of the publication is anchored, which to a certain extent goes beyond the inclusion of Aciman’s work primarily in LGBT young adult literature.

Keywords: André Aciman, “Call me by your name”, “Find Me”, homosexuality, young adult literature, self-awareness.


003: Evaluative methodology to develop higher skills

Margarita Aravena-Gaete (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0003-3198-8384
Universidad Andres Bello, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences, Santiago, CHILE

Diana Flores Noya (PhD)
Atacama University, Faculty of Humanities and Education, Copiapó, CHILE * ORCID: 0000-0002-0420-4989

David Ruete (PhD)
Universidad Andres Bello, Faculty of Engineering, Santiago, CHILE * ORCID: 0000-0002-7100-9737

Danilo Leal (PhD)
Universidad Andres Bello, Faculty of Engineering, Santiago, CHILE
* ORCID: 0000-0002-0420-4989

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 15-26). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The objective of this research is to provide an evaluative methodology to develop higher cognitive skills. From the methodological perspective, a qualitative was required, based on primary and secondary sources of research to increase thinking. The results showed that a series of premises must be implemented for the development of lower and higher thinking, among them, purpose, explicit teaching, intentionality of the evaluation, evaluation criteria, simple and complex strategies, monitoring, formative evaluation, process feedback and homework, metacognition, among others. As part of the discussion, it seems that teachers need to apply training strategies and implement permanent monitoring in students to promote learning. On the other hand, they must recognize the lower skills that are not internalized in the learners, because these are the starting base to achieve the higher taxonomies. It is concluded that formative evaluation and feedback are effective actions to generate higher taxonomies.

Keywords: higher thinking, cognitive skills, formative evaluation, feedback, abstraction.


004: Multidisciplinary Indigenous research: Preliminary findings of a scoping review of Canadian scholarship (1997 to 2020)

Jimena Marquez (PhD)
Ottawa University, Faculty of Education, Montreal, CANADA * ORCID: 0000-0001-8010-7825

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 27-42). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Research in Indigenous contexts has historically been associated with colonialism. To counter this, recent Indigenous research re-centers knowledge production on Indigenous worldviews and voices. As a settler ally, I have conducted a scoping review of Canadian Indigenous research using a mixed method approach (Western and Indigenous), adopting Arksey and O’Malley (2005) scoping methodology (for initial five steps) and Kovach’s (2010) Indigenous conversational method for consultations. The aim of this scoping review is to map out the praxis of Indigenous research by examining current epistemological trends, the diversity of Indigenous methods used and the role of researcher positionality in Indigenous research. Preliminary findings (before consultations) based on 46 papers across disciplines, point out to an increase in the number of Indigenous research projects conducted in Canada in the last five years. There is also evidence of substantial efforts by scholars to engage in respectful and reciprocal research partnerships with Indigenous partners.

Keywords: Indigenous methodologies, positionality, scoping review.


005: United Europe – Yes, or no?

Amra Nuhanović (PhD)

Jasmila Pašić (PhD)

University of Tuzla, Faculty of Economics, Tuzla, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 43-48). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: In recent years, the European Union has been facing a number of challenges that it is finding it increasingly difficult to overcome. Most EU member states are facing a crisis of confidence in Europe and its institutions, and at the same time nationalist political parties and ideas are developing more and more, leading to a weakening of European solidarity. Eastern European countries weakened awareness of the collective interest. The common values that existed until then have become “diluted”, because different understandings of the nature of the state have emerged, as well as different views on international politics. At the same time, support for European integration among citizens has been declining, and fewer and fewer have seen membership as good and can bring significant benefits. Today, the idea of a united EU is in crisis and that is precisely the cause of the crisis the Union is facing.

Keywords: European Union, idea, crisis.


006: New dimensions of the perception and experience of time in conditions of the global risk society

Tatyana Vasileva Petkova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * * ORCID: 0000-0003-4567-8635

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 49-64). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This study aims to present new dimensions of the perception and experience of time in the conditions of the global risk society. The article attempts to answer the question of how the new global perspective changes the sense of time – its passage, flow, fulfillment, omission, passing, etc. It is analyzed how the clock time moves to the network flexible time of the global society. The main points in the article are: Conceptualization and historical dynamics of social time; The sense of time – Man and time – “measurability” and “limit” Man, society, space and time – the limit of eternity; From clock time to network flexible time – From the clock time to…, Flexible time, the changed attitude towards the future and the past.

Keywords: time, global risk society, new dimensions.


007: Socio-economic and spiritual-religious specifics of the Syrian Kurds

Vladimir Stefanov Chukov (PhD)
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, BULGARIA * * ORCID: 0000-0002-4544-3708

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 65-70). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This study aims to present the socio-economic and spiritual-religious specifics of the Syrian Kurds. The dominant agrarian livelihood of the “foreign Kurds” stimulates the preservation of the tribal-clan profile of their social structure. This directly reflects on the stability and strong resistance of the specific conservative political culture in which the political center is differentiated, due to non-social parameters. If religion (in a nuanced degree, ethnicity) plays a major role in the formation of the nation-building and state-building process among neighbors, Arabs and Turks, then in the Kurds, especially the Syrians, a similar function is played by the family cell. The main points in the article are: The Syrian Kurds; Armenians and Christians – Assyrians; The specific religious institutions of the Kurds. In conclusion: The main conclusion that can be drawn is that the Kurds in Syria are failing to create a large urban agglomeration, which pushes them to be constantly associated with the agricultural way of life. Even the small towns that were formed did not get a real urban appearance, as their inhabitants had numerous relatives who remained to live in the countryside.

Keywords: socio-economic specifics, spiritual-religious specifics, Syrian Kurds, Armenians and Christians – Assyrians.


008: Implementation of circular economy business models by SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amina Kahriman (PhD student) * ORCID: 0000-0003-4743-7341

Nataša Tandir (PhD)

International Burch University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 71-90). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Discussion regarding circular economy has gained traction in recent years due to increase in environmental awareness, as well as companies’ quest for ways to reduce their costs. In order to gain understanding of circular economy, it is necessary to understand enablers and barriers for the implementation. Therefore, this research focuses on identifying enablers and barriers for implementation of circular economy in SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as points out to relevant findings regarding the importance and frequency of those factors. These findings are relevant because they will provide reference for SMEs who would like to introduce the concept of circular economy, as well as for legislators in charge of managing such initiatives. By identifying enablers and obstacles, these findings will also help stakeholders devise best strategies and policies for successful implementation, as well as foresee and plan for potential obstacles. The research included 33 SMEs located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and was conducted through e-mail delivered surveys. Research findings suggest that the CE practices are not very widely implemented among the SMEs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the survey results, “Energy saving programs” was the most implemented CE practice, while “Captation/reuse of wastewater and/or rainwater” was the least implemented one. In addition, “Uncertainty about response times from public” was perceived as the highest barrier, while “Dialogue between institutions, bodies and associations of the territory for the implementation of projects on the circular economy” was perceived as the strongest enabler.

Keywords: circular economy, enablers, barriers.


009: Evolution of “memory studies”: Between psychology and sociology

Tatiana Pushkareva (PhD)
Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy, Faculty of Design and Advertasing, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0002-9139-6121

Daria Agaltsova (PhD)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Department of the English Language and Professional Communication, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0001-8892-2437

Olga Derzhavina
Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy, Faculty of Dsign and Advertasing, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0002-1986-0938

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 91-100). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The article examines the problem of the “memory studies” development and the role that psychology and sociology play in the development of this interdisciplinary field of humanities. The authors divide the history of memory studies into two periods. The analysis of the first stage of the conceptual formation of memory research, starting from the end of the XIX century and till the first part of the century, first of all, on the basis of psychological, sociological is revealed. The authors demonstrate the trajectory of the evolution of the scientific understanding of “memory” from a purely psychological interpretation of the phenomenon to a socio-psychological concept (group memory), to a broad sociological theory (socio-cultural and historical memory). It is shown how at the second stage of the memory studies development, starting from the second half of the XX century till the present time, sociological research unfolds in the paradigm of memory studies and at the same time there is a new growth of interest in the psychological point of these studies. This is reflected in the development of psychoanalytic concepts, biographical research methods, and the increased role of oral history. It is concluded that the dialectical interaction of sociology and psychology in the interdisciplinary field of memory studies forms the basis of the heuristic potential of this modern humanities research.

Keywords: cultural memory, temporality, memory studies, modern society, sociology, psychology.


010: Formation of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-, based on the material of ancient Russian written records

Tatiana Galochkina (PhD student)
The First Moscow State Medical University I. M. Sechenov, Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 101-106). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Old Russian texts provide an opportunity to study the early state of the Russian vocabulary. The vocabulary structure of the Old Russian texts included the words of the Proto-Slavic language, a large number of calques and artificially created words. The absence of written records of the Proto-Slavic language, in which its vocabulary would be recorded, deprives us of the primary source of the meanings of  such words. The Proto-Slavic root *lěp- had an undivided meaning. Undivided meaning of the root *lěp- is a potential problem in the interpretation of the words with this root used in ancient Russian texts. Another problem in the lexical-semantic study of words in the Old Russian texts is that words being semantic calques received additional meanings under the influence of Greek. In this regard the paper shows the formation of the concept of beauty in words with the root *lěp- used in ancient Russian texts. The purpose of this article is to study the evolution of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-. The article provides a comparative analysis of lexical meanings of the words with the root *lěp- containing the concept of beauty (used in ancient Russian texts) with their Greek equivalents. Such words are contained in ancient Russian written records: “The Life of St. Andrew the Fool”, “The Chronicle” by John Malalas, “The Chronicle” by George Amartol, “History of the Jewish War” by Josephus Flavius, Christianopolis (Acts and Epistles of the Apostles), Uspensky Сollection of XII–XIII centuries, etc.

Keywords: Proto-Slavic language, root *lěp-, concept of beauty, lexical meaning, Old Russian written records.


011: Targeted, individually structured special education and training intervention programs and pedagogical applications in museum

Maria Drossinou-Korea (PhD)
University of Peloponnese, Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Kalamata, GREECE * ORCID: 0000-0002-3668-4825

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 107-120). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Anthropocentric museums are “an important place in public debate, creation and questioning ideas” because they can have a positive impact on the lives of underprivileged or marginalized people. They can also strengthen specific communities and contribute to the creation of fairer societies. The science of Museology together with the science of Special Education and Training (SET) support with the Targeted Individual Structured and Integrated Program for Students with Special Educational needs (TISIPfSEN), in children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SENDs). The purpose of this work was to study museology applications in accordance with the pedagogical tool TISIPfSEN. The main working hypothesis explored access to theatre and entertainment events, museums and archaeological sites of people with SENDs, which is not always an easy process given that they are a heterogeneous group due to their inherent or acquired specificity. The applications also drew pedagogical materials through the charm of the art of theatre and puppetry. In this context, performances were given free of charge through the Kalamata Experimental Stage to children and young people with SENDs, in the city of Kalamata and Sparta. This project led to voluntary application from students of department of history of University of Peloponnese. The results showed that people’s disability does not always mean impotence. Accessibility to museum programs and theatrical events in modern organized societies is possible. The learning process becomes accessible with the pedagogical tool TISIPfSEN to people with special needs. Necessary conditions, knowledge in the SET and the necessary training of all according to universal design. In conclusion, TISIPfSEN museum pedagogical programs facilitate different social groups in approaching, understanding the differential material culture, with alternative forms of communication and learning, given that heterogeneity in nature is a universal phenomenon.

Keywords: TISIPfSEN, museum pedagogical programs.


012: Promoting the integration of a student with autism in the General School with Erasmus KA3 / e-twinning actions

Maria Drossinou-Korea (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0002-3668-4825

Athina Avramidi (MA)

University of Peloponnese, Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Kalamata, GREECE

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 121-136). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This paper investigates the dynamics of non-formal learning in the field of teacher preparation, for the acceptance and integration of people with autism in the General School. The main goal of the research is to identify appropriate practices for the formation of a fair attitude towards people with disabilities, with a focus on autism. The research questions posed were: (1) How can understanding autism be achieved i. by the group of teachers and students involved, and ii. by individuals in the environment in which they interact, and (2) How will understanding autism lead to the acceptance and integration of students with autism into the community? The research was carried out within the framework of the Erasmus KA3 / e-twinning program and was connected to the Curriculum through modules of the courses of Modern Greek Literature and Modern Greek Language. The pedagogical tool Targeted, Individual, Structured, Integrated Program for Special Educational Needs (TISIPfSEN) (Drosinou-Korea, 2017) played a primary role in the implementation of the program. The results reflected the reliability of the educational tool TISIPfSEN in enhancing the empathy of students of typical development and highlighted the potential which derives from the participation in non-formal education to form attitudes and behaviors with the ultimate goal of integrating students with autism in the General School.

Keywords: non-formal education, autism, integration.


013: Self-esteem and motivation for affiliations with students from the humanities

Stoil Mavrodiev (PhD)

Teodor Gergov (PhD)

South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 137-148). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The paper interprets and explores two main constructs: “self-esteem” and “motivation for affiliation”. They are placed in the field of psychology of youth, the subjects are students of humanities. The study was conducted at Southwestern University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. The aim of the study is to reveal the relationship between self-esteem and motivation for affiliation, as they are compared in students majoring in psychology with students majoring in pedagogy and speech therapy. Self-esteem is the core of personality, experiences and behavior. It is important for interactions in young people. The need to belong to the group (affiliation) is a prerequisite for self-knowledge and satisfies a number of basic needs. Using a standardized self-assessment test and Albert Mehrabian’s affiliation test, we track how the level of self-assessment determines affiliation needs. These: 1. Students with average and above average level of self-esteem have a higher motivation for affiliation, compared to students with low and very high level of self-esteem. 2. We assume that there will be statistically significant differences in the manifestations of the two constructs in students from the specialty of Psychology and other students from the humanities. We expect that psychology students will have average and above average levels of self-esteem, which will affect their motivation for affiliation, compared to students from the other group. The results of the research provide information about the personal development of students in the humanities, which could be used by university professors in order to optimize the learning process and create conditions for full inclusion of students in university life.

Keywords: self-assessment, need for affiliation, communication, humanities students.


014: A case analysis of political discourse ambivalence: Between the truth and falsity

Lyubov Gurevich (PhD)
Moscow State Linguistic University, Institute of Humanities and Applied Sciences, Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION * ORCID: 0000-0003-0287-7634

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 149-158). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Many false statements in connection with COVID-19 have fueled a number of rumors and conspiracy theories in the world. Politicians tend to use complicated technical systems and information technologies in order to influence people’s consciousness, feelings and social behavior. Under the guise of taking care of people’s wellbeing they pursue their own objectives. The political leaders have challenged the world with their claims and political statements which hypocritically announced their striving to serve for the sake of the nations, but in fact demonstrating their strong will to benefit from the situation. However, their actions are not treated by people as aggression and don’t lead to open confrontation and aggravation of military and political relations. They paradoxically manage to balance between the truth and falsity, demonstrating ambivalence of what they state in their speeches and appeals to the nations. The basic methods of political discourse ambivalence analysis, used in the article, are: (a) fact-checking method, (b) scientific analysis of the evidence, (c) peer-reviewed studies and the others. There has been also used a method of logical comparison of three options of political discourse: Political Statement → Fact → Consequence. The analysis of mass media articles, devoted to Covid-19, has helped the author to systematize the elements of political discourse processing (the politicians’ statements for the good of the people) and political cognition (the actual meaning of those actions, which can potentially lead to confrontation between nations). The author is trying to find out the actual reasons of the growing gap between the governments and ordinary people, between nations in the world.

Keywords: political discourse, large-scale transformative policies, ambivalent political statements, elements of political discourse processing.


015: Theosophical duty as an alternative to the risk society

Anna Kaltseva (PhD)
Independent Researcher, Sofia, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0003-0601-203X

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 159-168). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The risky nature of modern civilization finds one of its alternatives and possibilities for overcoming in the theosophical understanding of the duty of the individual to society. This is the thesis of the proposed article. The thesis is defended by comparing elements of the concept of “Risk Society” by the German sociologist Ulrich Beck and the understanding of duty and politics in Helena Blavatsky’s latest work “The Key to Theosophy”. The seemingly paradoxical comparison is argued with the need to find new ways and approaches to overcome the crisis of humanity, which has not yet been able to take advantage of the best achievements and ideas of its great minds over the centuries to this day. Personal change in the direction of high morality and responsibility to all and everything leads to a change in society – this is the main conclusion that is made in the article.

Keywords: risk society, duty, theosophy, personal change, Ulrich Beck, Helena Blavatsky.


016: Social aspects of the intra-EU mobility

Krasimir Koev (PhD)
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0003-3040-6362

Ana Popova (PhD)
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-7657-7699

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 169-178). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The paper presents a topical picture of the intra-EU mobility on the basis of officially published quantitative data. Several social aspects of this type of internal migration are discussed and analyzed, such as: risks for the health, education and socialization of the migrant children; risks for the stability of the migrant families; demographic and social consequences for the EU countries which are reported as the biggest sources of intra-EU mobility. The official statistical data are compared with the results of the authors’ study on socialization deficits for the children from so called “transnational families”, where one or both parent are labor migrants and have left their children to the care of relatives in the country of origin. The comparative results serve as a basis of conclusions about the negative social impact of the intra-EU mobility on the migrant families and especially on their children.

Keywords: intra-EU mobility, migrant children, transnational family.


017: Social-behavioral development

Nikolaos Georgoulas (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-9993-2825

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 179-184). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The early child period is considered to be the crucial in the human life-span development. Healthy and normal early development of a child, including his/her physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development, strongly influences the subsequent personal and social functioning, well-being and life success. Behavioral development, and in particular social/behavioral development, is a crucial tool for survival and adaptation. In this article, three mechanisms that work in an interrelated and cooperative way in determining behavioral development will be discussed in more detail. Given the purpose and design of this paper, we will focus on some of the latest studies of the environmental factors considered to have the power to influence ontogenetic behavioral development and in particular, social/behavioral development.

Keywords: behavioral development, social development, ontogenetic behavioral development.


018: Municipal companies and city associations – Political economics in the local government in Israel

Daniel Galily (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-9111-4502

Prof. David Schwartz (PhD)
Bar-Ilan University, Department of Political Science, ISRAEL * ORCID: 0000-0002-3989-8546

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 185-194). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This study aims to present the municipal companies and city associations – political economics in the local government in Israel. The perception of the local governments has already changed, and they do not see their mission only as of the supply of municipal services according to law. The competitive environment in which they operate brings about an orientation of the improvement of the quality of life in the community, the extension and variety of the sources of employment, the development of infrastructures, and the improvement of the image. The main points in the article are: The Urban Development; Reciprocal Relations with the Private Sector; Project Finance; Taxation; Management Techniques; Diversification of Areas of Action of the Local Governments; and Association of Cities.

Keywords: Israel, local government, urban development, private sector, project finance, taxation, management techniques.


019: The relation of “positive psychotherapy” and art in the process of therapy

Lubomira Dimitrova (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-5536-6761

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 195-198). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Psychotherapy is considered to be the most difficult and at the same time the most attractive manifestation of psychological competence, the pinnacle of psychological realization, the master profession. For the therapist, who aims to support the client’s autonomy, art is key in the work process. This article discusses some of the art forms that used in the psychotherapeutic setting turn psychotherapy itself into art. The aesthetic experiences that the psychotherapist and the client go through on the way to achieving the desired goal are considered.

Keywords: psychotherapy, symptom, psychosomatic disorders, psychoanalysis, art, aesthetic experiences.


020: Nietzsche’s nihilism and the crisis of values

Valeri Valchev (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0003-3467-097X

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 199-204). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The present paper analyzes Nietzsche’s ideas about the cultural crisis from the standpoint of nihilism. According to Nietzsche, nihilism takes over modern civilization and raises the question of values. To the decline, or as Nietzsche call it, “the decadence” that led to the crisis in values, Nietzsche contrasts his “active” nihilism, which has to find “new values”. From a perspectivist point of view, the revaluation of all values through which the contemporary humanity must overcome the nihilism and project its future, is considered.

Keywords: Nietzsche, culture, decadence, nihilism, values.


021: The place of Philo of Alexandria in the history of philosophy

Georgi Shavulev (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0002-3007-2924

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 205-214). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Philo of Alexandria (ca. 20 B.C.E. -50 C.E.), or Philo Judaeus as he is also called, was a Jewish scholar, philosopher, politician, and author who lived in Alexandria and who has had a tremendous influence through his works (mostly on the Christian exegesis and theology). Today hardly any scholar of Second Temple Judaism, early Christianity, or Hellenistic philosophy sees any great imperative in arguing for his relevance. After the research (contribution) of V. Nikiprowetzky in the field of philonic studies, it seems that the prevailing view is that Philo should be regarded above all as an “exegete “. Such an opinion in one way or another seems to neglect to some extent Philo's place in the History of philosophy. This article defends the position that Philo should be considered primarily as a “hermeneut”. Emphasizing that the concept of hermeneutics has a broader meaning (especially in the context of antiquity) than the narrower and more specialized concept of exegesis.

Keywords: Philo of Alexandria, history of philosophy, history of hermeneutics, allegorical interpretation.


022: Genre-based approach to corpus compilation for translation research

Jana Kegalj (MA) * ORCID: 0000-0001-6134-709X

Mirjana Borucinsky (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0002-1132-9720

University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies, Department of Foreign Languages, Rijeka, CROATIA

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 215-224). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Translation research focuses mainly on parallel and comparable corpora, whereby it is constantly faced with issues of representativeness, balance and comparability as its main constraints. This research aims to introduce the concept of genre as a way of observing linguistic features under controlled conditions. The study analyses the application of external and internal criteria with particular focus on the genre criterion in selecting texts for the compilation of a highly-specialized bilingual maritime legal corpus, consisting of source texts in English and their translations into Croatian. The main advantages and constraints of genre as a criterion are discussed. The main benefits of such an approach are found in its application in translator training and practice. In addition, genre-based approaches to corpus analysis may raise awareness of generic features specific to a target language, ultimately improving the quality of translation.

Keywords: translation studies, genre, corpus research.

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023: It’s all Greek to me: Missed Greek loanwords in Albanian

Panagiotis G. Krimpas (PhD)
Demokritus University of Thrace, School of Classics and Humanities, Komotini, GREECE * ORCID: 0000-0001-7271-9653

7th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. ---). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

Abstract: Albanian is a language that has borrowed words and patterns from various other languages with which it came into contact from time to time. One of the most prominent sources of loanwords and loan-structures in Albanian is Medieval and Modern Greek. This paper discusses cases of Albanian loanwords of obvious or probable Medieval or Modern Greek origin that fail to be identified as such in the relevant literature. The discussion starts with a brief sketch of the history, affinities and contacts of Albanian with special focus on Medieval and Modern Greek. Then a classification is attempted of the Greek loanwords usually missed on the basis of their treatment in various works, while exploring the reason(s) why the Greek origin of such loanwords was missed. The main conclusion is that most such etymological mishaps are due to the limited knowledge of the donor language in terms of phonology, lexis and morphology.

Keywords: Albanian, borrowing, etymology, loanwords, Medieval Greek, Modern Greek.


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003: Evaluative methodology to develop higher skills
Margarita Aravena, Diana Flores, David Ruete & Danilo Leal

24 June 2021, 10:42 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation: Evaluative methodology to develop higher skills

Presentation - PDF


009: Evolution of “memory studies”: between psychology and sociology
Tatiana Pushkareva, Daria Agaltsova & Olga Derzhavina

24 June 2021, 17:15 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


012: Promoting the integration of a student with autism in the General School with Erasmus KA3 / e-twinning actions
Maria Drossinou - Korea & Athina Avramidi

24 June 2021, 17:15 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


014: A case analysis of political discourse ambivalence: Between the truth and falsity
Lyubov Gurevich

24 June 2021, 17:15 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


016: Social aspects of the intra-EU mobility
Krasimir Koev & Ana Popova

24 June 2021, 17:15 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


001: Professional vocabulary awareness within PR specialist’s personality development
Polina Sergienko, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Olga Vishnyakova & Elizaveta Vishnyakova

24 June 2021, 17:45 (GMT+01:00) - Description

Dear participants of the conference! We have devoted our article to an unexpected subject matter. We tried to analyze the language personality within the public relations specialists. Traditionally press releases in PR discourse are anonymous, however we tried to identify a so-called collective language personality, that is to distinguish the features, common for this PR discourse genre. We come to the conclusion that this issue lies within the domain of cognitive linguistics. No doubt, that PR undergraduates should be informed about it during their learning English for Special Purposes (ESP).


003: Evaluative methodology to develop higher skills
Margarita Aravena, Diana Flores, David Ruete & Danilo Leal

24 June 2021, 19:09 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Polina Sergienko, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Olga Vishnyakova & Elizaveta Vishnyakova (001)

Dear Margarita Aravena, Diana Flores, David Ruete & Danilo Leal, thank you for your presentation, as the topic that you regard is of great importance. It also very complicated for analysis to see the peculiar features of evaluative methodology for development of higher cognitive skills. We agree that the problem of what is going to be taught is eternal. Your suggested solution is of high relevance, as you stress the importance of the teacher. It is only up to him/her to choose the correct didactic strategies to suit the needs of the competencies’ development.


014: A case analysis of political discourse ambivalence: Between the truth and falsity
Lyubov Gurevich

24 June 2021, 19:09 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Polina Sergienko, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Olga Vishnyakova & Elizaveta Vishnyakova (001)

The issue raised by Lyubov Gurevich is of primary importance because it deals with the urgent topic of ambivalence between the truth and falsity. It is universally acknowledged that political leaders always pursue their own aims, which do not usually coincide with the needs of the people. That is why it is necessary for political leaders to persuade the masses and find the balance between the truth and falsity. The author uses interesting methods to prove the hypothesis.


004: A Multidisciplinary Indigenous research: Preliminary findings of a scoping review of Canadian scholarship (1997 to 2020)
Jimena Marquez

24 June 2021, 22:15 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


014: A case analysis of political discourse ambivalence: Between the truth and falsity
Lyubov Gurevich

25 June 2021, 09:12 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Lubomira Dimitrova (019)

I would ask how did you choose this topic for your report. The topic is very important and interesting.


010: Formation of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-, based on the material of ancient Russian written records
Tatiana Galochkina

25 June 2021, 14:05 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


001: Professional vocabulary awareness within PR specialist’s personality development
Polina Sergienko, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Olga Vishnyakova & Elizaveta Vishnyakova

25 June 2021, 19:00 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Tatiana Galochkina (010)

This is an interesting study. The authors have discussed important issues for linguistics. In the current educational context and today's globalized world it's very important to study the undergraduates' linguistic personality and their professional orientation of the second language. Based on the findings of this article, university lecturers will make their work more efficient and effective.


014: A case analysis of political discourse ambivalence: Between the truth and falsity
Lyubov Gurevich

25 June 2021, 19:09 (GMT+01:00) - Response to the comment #8

Thank you dear colleagues! The extreme situation of COVID-19 has uncovered the most vulnerable issues of our life and gave some politicians an opportunity to benefit from it. They tend to balance between the truth and falsity in order to comfort the audience on the one hand, on the other hand, they manage to achieve their personal goals. I have tried to analyse this phenomenon with the help of a new methodology of integrative approach.


010: Formation of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-, based on the material of ancient Russian written records
Tatiana Galochkina

25 June 2021, 21:24 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Polina Sergienko, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Olga Vishnyakova & Elizaveta Vishnyakova (001)

The topic suggested by Tatiana Galochkina is urgent, as the present day of complexity needs beauty, which is brought in by the author with her analysis of the concept of beauty. The diachronical investigation of the concept permits to see its evolution in the course of time. The Slavic languages are the basis for the study of the concept in question which shows the linguistic interconnections within these languages. The author demonstrates that the shifts of languages are connected with the material culture transformation and the settlements on the Slavs in a certain territory. It should be also noted, that the detailed analysis is carried out on the basis of the Ancient Greek and the Old Russian languages.


006: New dimensions of the perception and experience of time in conditions of the global risk society
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova

25 June 2021, 22:11 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Tatiana Pushkareva (009)

Thank you for an interesting article! There is a complete overview of the concepts and the author's original ideas are expressed. It would be interesting to know the author's opinion about the way the pandemic affected the perception of modern humans's time. We believe that in the situation of the pandemic, several vectors of changing the time perception are possible: a total return to the eschatological time perception, a narrowing of the horizon for planning the future to 2-3 months, an intensive settling in of the current moment and experiencing it as eternity.


019: The relation of “positive psychotherapy” and art in the process of therapy
Lubomira Dimitrova

26 June 2021, 18:05 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


011: Targeted, individually structured special education and training intervention programs and pedagogical applications in museum
Maria Drossinou - Korea

26 June 2021, 22:47 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


001: Professional vocabulary awareness within PR specialist’s personality development
Polina Sergienko, Alla Minyar-Beloroucheva, Olga Vishnyakova & Elizaveta Vishnyakova

27 June 2021, 20:26 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Lyubov Gurevich (010)

The topic of "Professional vocabulary awareness within PR specialist's personality development"is very urgent due to its modern approach in cognitive linguistics considering the linguistic personality as a core element of the analysis. I think it's impossible to achieve high competence in linguistics without studying of mentality and the ways how a person perceives the world and finds its reflection in language units.


003: Evaluative methodology to develop higher skills
Margarita Aravena-Gaete, Diana Flores Noya, David Ruete & Danilo Leal

28 June 2021, 10:13 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Athina Avramidi (012)

Given that students are not in the classroom with the same intellectual background and skills and that this is not their own fault, the methodology proposed by this work makes the education of all students realistic. However, as correctly stated in the conclusions, the teaching conditions (teacher training, number of students, equipment, etc.) must be considered for both the formative assessment process and the appropriate feedback to be possible. Moreover, because a large part of the responsibility for the implementation of this methodology lies with the teachers, the quality of their education must be considered in detail.


011: Targeted, individually structured special education and training intervention programs and pedagogical applications in museum
Maria Drossinou - Korea

28 June 2021, 10:13 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Athina Avramidi (012)

Mrs Drosinou, (as a mother of a child with ASD) thank you very much for this project. The search for the conditions for the successful participation of children with SEN in museums confirms the effectiveness of the pedagogical tool TISIPfSEN, and in addition, raises awareness about the possibility of extending their participation in life. These children are usually excluded from museum education as impotent, even by their parents, who set other priorities and often cannot imagine the benefits of such an activity. At this point, the issue of informing and involving parents in the process can be discussed.


015: Theosophical duty as an alternative to the risk society
Anna Kaltseva

28 June 2021, 10:13 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Athina Avramidi (012)

This issue seems to shed light on the dark side of modern life, proposing a solution that is not far from each of us and, finally, offers real hope for the future of all mankind. In addition, an issue such as achieving the moralization of each person is extremely complex as it can be considered almost utopian and any approach that seeks specific ways of moralizing the individual is beneficial to all. One question that can be asked is whether religion, not as a human construct with the raw material of egoism, but as an essential search for the meaning of existence, will be a valuable guide to high morality.


010: Formation of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-, based on the material of ancient Russian written records
Tatiana Galochkina

28 June 2021, 16:47 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Panagiotis Krimpas (022)

Dear Colleagues, your article is very innovative and insightful, for various reasons: First of all because you highlight the close interconnection between semantics (which is synchronic) with etymology (which is diachronic), thus contributing to a more global, evolutionary perception and study of Language. This is important because in some countries the sharp dichotomy between synchrony and diachrony does not allow for temporally deeper semantic (and other) analyses. However, in some cases it is difficult to describe the modern semantics of a word without recurring to its origins. Secondly, because you highlight the Slavic connection between the positive assessment of some object and the aesthetic pleasure of its observation. Thirdly, because you uncover the fact that the concept of beauty was transformed under the influence of Greek and Christian culture on the Slavic society. Emphasis on Greek-Slavic connections are important in order to re-connect Greece with Northern parts of Europe.


002: A few notes on the book “Call me by your name” by André Aciman
Milan Mašát & Adéla Štěpánková

28 June 2021, 16:58 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Jimena Marquez (004)

Hello Milan Mašát & Adéla Štěpánková, I found your reflections and analysis of Call me by your name very insightful - I am wondering what this says about how we see homosexual relationships today even if the novel is set in the 1980s.


015: Theosophical duty as an alternative to the risk society
Anna Kaltseva

28 June 2021, 10:13 (GMT+01:00) - Answer by author to the comment made by Athina Avramidi (012) - #21

Dear Athina Avramidi, thanks for your comment. I agree with everything you note! One possible answer to your question has the following directions: according to the theosophical doctrine set by Helena Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine - a work that is still largely denied without being studied - all of us - the people, animals, nature, we are a visible manifestation of the Oneness. It is invisible to the human eye Essence, called the Absolute. It is the source of everything - of us, of society, of the universes. In Indian philosophy is called Brahman. All gods and religions are human fiction. There is only one source - the Absolute, and if it is more convenient for us, we can call it One God. Unity is embedded in our origin and existence. Awareness of a common origin is one of the ways to become more tolerant, more understanding of others, more integrated, to help each other more, to build a society of universal brotherhood, compassion, mutual respect, and compassion.


002: A few notes on the book “Call me by your name” by André Aciman
Milan Mašát & Adéla Štěpánková

28 June 2021, 18:20 (GMT+01:00) - Answer by author to the comment made by Jimena Marquez (004) - #23

Dear Jimena Marquez, we believe that the homosexual relationship and the approach of adults to a homosexual (bisexual) son is largely presented idyllic in Aciman´s publication. At present, in our opinion, open expressions of hatred towards the LGBT community are gaining momentum. For example, in the Czech Republic, attacks on persons who publicly declare their homosexual relationship or orientation are becoming more frequent. Milan Mašát


002: A few notes on the book “Call me by your name” by André Aciman
Milan Mašát & Adéla Štěpánková

28 June 2021, 22:07 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Jimena Marquez (004)

Thank you Milan Mašát for your response, and for the clarification - yes, I agree that it is idealized in the novel, and the movie that came out of this novel amplified that message and gave the sense that homosexuality/bisexuality are now largely accepted in society but as you mention, think this is not the case in most parts of the world, even if some western countries are more critical now of heteronormativity.


010: Formation of the concept of beauty in the words with the Proto-Slavic root *lěp-, based on the material of ancient Russian written records
Tatiana Galochkina

28 June 2021, 16:47 (GMT+01:00) - Answers

Dear Panagiotis Krimpas. Thank you for your comment on 010. The study of word meanings using diachronic and synchronic approaches is very important for linguistics. As you note, in some cases it is difficult to describe and even understand the modern semantics of a word without its origin. I wanted a communion of cultures and values of Greece and Northern parts of Europe.

Dear Colleagues. Thank you for your comment on 010. Diachronic and synchronic approaches are very important for linguistic research. It was important to understand the role of the Greek language and culture in the modern semantic of words. The influence of Greek contributed to new meanings and semantic shifts in Old Russian.


COAS Editorial Office, Belgrade, SERBIA

28 June 2021, 24:00 (GMT+01:00): The end of the Conference

Dear participants, the COAS e-Conference is officially finished. We are so grateful to you for the activities of posting presentations and comments in these 5 days, and we think that it contributes to the Conference to be more successful.

In the next days we will send you copy edited versions of your manuscripts, for your final approval for publishing. The Conference Proceedings will be published online in the next 10-15 days, with official ISBN and DOI for each article.

We announce now that we will organize the 8th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (8IeCSHSS), on 28 June 2022, as our next online Conference.

Best regards from Belgrade.

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Aims and Scope

The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference was organized as a kind of a multi-disciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.

These are the following areas of study covered by the e-Conference: Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Science of Education, History, Linguistics, Arts, Sociology, Political Science, Law, and Economics.

The e-Conference is organized exclusively as an online conference, and the English was the only language of the conference.

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Two phases of the e-Conference realization are applied.

The first phase is the e-Pre-Conference Discussion (from 24 to 27 June 2021), and this phase is followed by the posting at the COAS website different textual forms sent by the e-Conference participants, such as discussions, analyses, critics, comments, suggestions, proposals, etc., regarding exposed abstracts. All textual forms will bereviewed and posted at the COAS website by the e-Conference moderators.

The second phase is the e-Conference Discussion, and it was realized at the e-Conference day (28 June 2021), from 00 to 24 (GMT+01:00). This discussion was realized in the same way as the e-Pre-Conference discussion, regarding the full texts exposed at the COAS website.

The accepted abstracts and full texts are published in the e-Conference Proceedings, with regular eISBN number. The e-Conference Proceedings are published online after realization of the e-Conference in an open access mode, and submitted for indexing in different international databases. The key conclusions from the e-Pre- and the e-Conference discussions are summarized and also published as part of the e-Conference Proceedings, by decision of the Scientific Committee.

All submitted abstracts/full texts went through two reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least two reviewers), and (2) non-blind (two members of the Scientific Committee). Final decision for the presenting and publishing depended of the two kinds of reviews, thus a paper is recommended by non-blind reviewers and blind reviewers, in order to be accepted for presentation at the conference and to be published in the e-Conference Proceedings.

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 COAS e-Conferences


The COAS plans and organizes e-conferences, as a kind of online international sessions, in different areas of science. E-conferences will be organized with different academic partners (institutions of higher education, research institutes, governmental institutions, NGOs, scientific associations, etc.).


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