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9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
9IeCSHSS * 15-17 September 2023 *

Faculty of Philosophy, South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
Faculty of Business and Management, University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Ruse, BULGARIA
Albanian University, Tirana, ALBANIA
Kaye Academic College of Education, Beersheba, ISRAEL

Texts and Participants * Discussion Window * Aims and Scope * Organisation


ISBN (Online) 978-86-81294-10-9

Publisher: Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, SERBIA, 2023

The Conference Proceedings have applied for indexing in the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).

All articles published in the 9IeCSHSS: Conference Proceedings are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Authors hold the copyrights of their own articles by acknowledging that their articles are originally published in the 9IeCSHSS: Conference Proceedings.

How to reference the articles? (each article has its own DOI):
Drossinou Korea, M., & Alexopoulos, P. (2023). Creating structured, differentiated mobile apps for a student with ASD. In T. V. Petkova & V. S. Chukov (Eds.), 9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-10). 15-17 September 2023, Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

Abstracts and Participants

001: Creating structured, differentiated mobile apps for a student with ASD
Maria Drossinou Korea & Panagiotis Alexopoulos

002: General provisions of digital property law: Categorizing digital assets
Roman Maydanyk

003: Personal status of war-related migrants: Jurisdiction and applicable law
Iryna Dikovska

004: Contemporary approaches and challenges in classroom management
Alenka Trpin

005: Case study as a method of teaching and diagnosing future teachers
Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova

006: Karma and reincarnation as alternatives to the risk society
Anna Kaltseva

007: Bulgarian scientific and technical intelligence in Japan during the Cold War
Boryana Nikolaeva Miteva

008: Steps towards the adulthood of students with autism and individual sessions of special education and training (SET) at the University
Maria Drossinou Korea

009: Psychotherapy of psychosomatics in adolescents
Lubomira Dimitrova

010: Methodological approaches in understanding the integration of preservice teachers in STEM education: A comprehensive review
Alex Acquah

011: A semiotic concept of embodiment: How relevant emotions are for aesthetic experience?
Codruta Hainic

012: External debt and internal debt impact on the growth of the Nepalese economy
Abin Gurung & Dipak Rijal Prasad

013: Geopolitical challenges in the 21st century – The place of the EU in international politics
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova

014: Reformation, Martin Luther (1483-1546), anti-Semitism and Islam
Vladimir Stefanov Chukov

015: The theory of nineteenth-century American pragmatism
Daniel Galily

016: Action research – A workshop for education for shared life: Bedouins, and and Jews female teaching students at Kay College foe Education in the southern Region of Israel
Ofer Gat

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001: Creating structured, differentiated mobile apps for a student with ASD

Maria Drossinou Korea (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0002-3668-4825

Panagiotis Alexopoulos (MBA)

University of Peloponnese, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Department of Philology, Tripolis, GREECE

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-10). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This paper presents the creation of a didactically differentiated digital mobile learning application for a student with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), based on the principles of learner-centeredness, teamwork, and the Framework of Analytical Special Education Program (FASEP). For this purpose, it’s investigated if the literature teacher can create a mobile phone application with “digital cognitive machines” for a student with ASD in the context of differentiated teaching. In the methodology, the pedagogical tool TISIPfSEN is used, as derived from the acronym of a Targeted, Individually Structured, and Inclusive Intervention Program for Students with Special Educational Needs. Based on the TISIPfSEN, differentiations are discussed with realistic intervention steps, such as differentiated pedagogical digital materials. As revealed by the results, the literature teacher is able to design and develop mobile apps according to the principles underlying the TISIPfSEN tool.

Keywords: TISIPfSEN, differentiation, mobile apps, mobile learning.


002: General provisions of digital property law: Categorizing digital assets

Roman Maydanyk (PhD)
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, School of Law, Kyiv, UKRAINE * ORCID: 0000-0003-1661-0535

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 11-26). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The relatively recent global emergence of distributed data storage technologies and their various applications are entering a market of digital assets and draw up a new, intangible property class. Consequently, property-legal aspects of using digital assets and emergence of digital property law become increasingly important. These legal issues warrant an integrated and functional approach and are affecting reconsidering of property law and broad understanding of property by categorizing of digital assets as property. Digital assets are a new asset class whose adoption necessitates a transformation of absolute property rights similar from exclusively tangible ownership to such intangible ownership as intellectual property, as well as from a materialized securities and negotiable documents (bills of lading, bill of exchange) to a fully dematerialized securities, electronical negotiable documents and online-accounts. This approach is based on the extending the rules on the rights in rem and other property absolute rights to the items created for the rights in personam, whereby items stemming from contractual relationships have become the subjects of property regime. This paper explores how property law can manage this transition in a proper way and employ distributed ledger technology to increase the efficiency of their operations and to provide digital assets in an integrated way. Starting by describing the concepts of digital assets property law, the paper then describes the concept of property, and then concept of digital assets and their categorizing as property, thereby focusing on а framework for a future digital assets property law of the selected civil law and common law jurisdictions.

Keywords: Digital Property Law, digital assets, categorization.


003: Personal status of war-related migrants: Jurisdiction and applicable law

Iryna Dikovska (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0002-0728-3934
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Educational and Scientific Institute of Law, Kyiv, UKRAINE

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The personal status of an individual covers issues of civil status, and in some countries – a number of family and inheritance law issues. War-related migrants may have different statuses in their countries of stay: refugees, persons granted temporary protection, illegal migrants. Some of the migrants are children, which means that the issues of their personal status are regulated by special legal norms. Migrant status and specific features of war-related migration may affect the determination of international jurisdiction and applicable law for various issues covered by a personal statute.  Therefore, the paper aims to analyse how the migrant status and other circumstances influence the determination of international jurisdiction and applicable law in relevant matters. Conclusions of the paper provide answers to some problematic issues of international jurisdiction and applicable law to the personal status of war-related migrants.

Keywords: personal status of natural persons, war-related migrants, habitual residence, domicile.


004: Contemporary approaches and challenges in classroom management

Alenka Trpin (MS)
School Center Škofja Loka, Škofja Loka, SLOVENIA

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 27-36). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: As teachers we are faced with the role of the class teacher. The class teacher is the person who observes, sanctions and manages the group of pupils assigned to them at the beginning of the school year. The class teacher also has to take on other important and responsible roles, which are required by law and by the various day-to-day situations that arise in the classroom. This article describes the basic tasks and roles of the class teacher, gives a general definition of classroom management, and describes the obstacles and difficulties encountered in carrying out this demanding role. It also presents research on how classroom teachers responded to classroom management practices when teleworking was introduced in our institution. The most common barrier is a lack of training on the subject, and respondents also highlighted a perceived loss of relevance in the role. All this shows that this area is still neglected in the training process. In the future, the role will also need to adapt to modern trends such as the increasing use of digital tools and content.

Keywords: class teacher, classroom management, distance learning, classroom tasks.


005: Case study as a method of teaching and diagnosing future teachers

Anna Astahova (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0001-6197-6347

Irina Shatokhina (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0001-7650-588X

Elena Shcherbina (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0002-0747-7261

Olesya Shestopalova (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0002-7311-782X

Southern Federal University, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy, Rostov-on-Don, RUSSIAN FEDERATION

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 37-46). Belgrade:

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Abstract: The objective of this paper is to present the results of piloting the educational and diagnostic capabilities of the case study method in the process of training future primary school teachers. The study was carried out using a set of methods: method of content analysis of pedagogical literature, survey of respondents using Google forms, qualitative and quantitative analysis of educational cases compiled by the respondents, mathematical and statistical processing of experimental results. The sample of the study consists of 225 bachelor students of the training direction Pedagogical Education, future primary school teachers, Southern Federal University, Russia. Students were asked to describe the educational problems they witnessed being a teacher or a pupil. They were also required to offer their own solutions to the problems. The educational cases described by the students were classified according to the multivariate typology of the conflict according to the type and the content of the conflict. The data obtained indicates an increased occurrence of nurturing situations in the professional activity of a teacher. According to the solutions of the educational cases proposed by the students, vectors of priority solutions were identified. Qualitative analysis of the answers revealed students’ lack of ability to solve educational problems. The authors recommend an algorithm for solving an educational problem by students. The algorithm consists of eight consecutive steps based on the algorithm of scientific and cognitive activity. Such training, according to the authors, develops pedagogical improvisation and intuition, alternative pedagogical thinking, values, pedagogical skills of analysis, planning, reflection, etc.

Keywords: teacher training education, case study method, educational problems.


006: Karma and reincarnation as alternatives to the risk society

Anna Kaltseva (PhD) * ORCID: 0000-0003-0601-203X

Independent scientist, Sofia, BULGARIA

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 47-54). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The thesis of an article with the proposed title is that the knowledge and acceptance of the theosophical understanding of karma and reincarnation can be seen as an alternative to the risky reality in which modern human civilization lives. The alternative unfolds in two main directions – an explanation of individual, family, national and general human suffering on the one hand, and on the other hand, the possible result of this knowledge is indicated – an increase in personal and social responsibility towards life in all its manifestations. The proposed thesis is based on a comparison between German sociologist Urlich Beck’s research on risk society and the understanding of reincarnation and karma or the law of cause and effect in the theosophical doctrine of Helena Blavatsky. The thesis is dictated by the close-in-meaning conclusions that Urlich Beck and Elena Blavatsky make about the fate of humanity, regardless of the different historical eras in which they both live and work.

Keywords: karma, reincarnation, risk society, theosophical doctrine, alternative, Beck, Blavatsky.


007: Bulgarian scientific and technical intelligence in Japan during the Cold War

Boryana Nikolaeva Miteva (PhD)
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of History, Sofia, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0002-2479-789X

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 55-64). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Since Bulgarian-Japan relations have already been well researched by the scholar Evgeny Kandilarov, this study aims to pose an accent on a very specific aspect of their Cold War interaction. Based primary on Bulgarian declassified documents of ex-socialist secret services it attempts to supplement Cold War studies and knowledge about Sofia-Tokyo relations as a part of Japan’s relations with the Soviet Union and the East European countries as a whole. It provides analysis regarding aims, methodology, expansion, cooperation, and results of Bulgarian scientific and technical intelligence in Japan during the Cold War years. This study proposes that since Western democracies restricted access of socialist countries to high technology by COCOM and since Japan achieved unimaginable economic and technological growth in the end of 1960s, KGB and all Eastern European secret services estimated Japan as a destination with significant opportunities for scientific and technical intelligence. Bulgarian communist leader Todor Zhivkov was one of the greatest admirers of the Japanese economic model and thus, scientific, and technical intelligence became a priority line for Bulgarian residence in Japan. It was not only a countermeasure in view of COCOM restrictions but transformed into an important element of socialist strategy for modernization. Japan was not the only one of capitalist countries, which became an object of industrial espionage, but it took key place for completing important scientific and technical tasks in the field of electronics, robotics, chemical industry, equipment etc. This knowledge was more or less implemented in industry and contributed to the Bulgarian economic and technological modernization.

Keywords: scientific and technical intelligence, Bulgaria-Japan relations, Japan-USSR interaction, Japan-Eastern Europe interaction.


008: Steps towards the adulthood of students with autism and individual sessions of special education and training (SET) at the University

Maria Drossinou Korea (PhD)
University of Peloponnese, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Department of Philology, Tripolis, GREECE * ORCID: 0000-0002-3668-4825

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 65-78). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: On a theoretical basis, it is known that people with autism face more difficulties and the same is true among university students. According to psychological and pedagogical theories these difficulties are characterized as complex cognitive, emotional and social and can have long-term consequences, such as dropping out of university and unemployment. Understanding the challenges students with autism face can help institutions better support this group while allowing them to take small steps toward adulthood through the opportunities offered by higher education. In the methodology we met fifteen students with autism following the targeted individual structured integration interventions of special education and training they received at the University using the pedagogical principles of Targeted, Individual Structured Integration Interventions of Special Education and Training (TISIPIf [SET]). They participated in semi-structured interviews and discussions about their metacognitive skills and experiences of support in higher education. In the context of the implementation of the Action “Supporting Social Care Interventions for Students of the Agricultural University of Athens, with OPS Code 5045556”, thirteen [13] response protocols were received from [ten men and three women with MA aged 25.8 years]. From the University of Peloponnese, two protocols were completed by a man and a woman with MA aged 23.2 years]. The interviews were subjected to fundamental thematic analysis. In the results from the discussions and interviews of the students with autism, three main themes were identified that were given meaning in the present study as small steps towards adulthood. Relationships with others [1], independence in decision-making [2] and support in their individual study method [3]. While each of these included positive and negative elements, the relationships were described as connecting all data of metacognitive skills leading to adulthood. When relationships with professors and fellow students were supportive, complex cognitive, emotional, and social difficulties were said to be “nonexistent”. But when characterized by stigmatizing attitudes, students faced much greater difficulties at university.

Keywords: adulthood, students, autism, university.


009: Psychotherapy of psychosomatics in adolescents

Lubomira Dimitrova (PhD, Professor, Psychoterapist)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-5536-6761

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 79-82). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Psychotherapy is considered to be the most difficult and at the same time the most attractive manifestation of psychological competence, the pinnacle of psychological realization, the master profession. For the therapist, who aims to support the client's autonomy, art is key in the work process. This article discusses psychotherapeutic intervention for getting healthy after conditions that are caused by psychosomatic disturbances in adolescents. Psychotherapy contributes to healing in an emotional, mental and somatic aspect. The close relationship between them is the main topic of the present study.

Keywords: psychotherapy, psychosomatics. health, adolescents.


010: Methodological approaches in understanding the integration of preservice teachers in STEM education: A comprehensive review

Alex Acquah (PhD)
The University of Texas at El Paso, College of Education, El Paso, UNITED STATES * ORCID: 0000-0001-5261-9532

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: Integration of preservice teachers in STEM education has garnered significant attention and been the subject of extensive research. However, despite the wealth of studies, there remains a gap in systematically examining the methodological approaches employed in this area. This paper aims to address this limitation by providing a comprehensive overview of the key findings, implications, and methodological trends observed in the literature on the integration of preservice teachers in STEM education. To achieve this, we conducted a thorough review of 30 research studies published between 2000 and 2022 in academic journals, focusing on the identities of student instructors and practitioners who were preservice STEM education teachers. The data sources utilized in these studies were examined, and three main data collection methods emerged as dominant: qualitative techniques, interviews, and classroom observations. Among these, the survey design was identified as the most frequently employed methodology. Our synthesis of the research methodologies used in these empirical studies revealed intriguing trends in the field. The survey research design demonstrated its ability to collect data from a large sample size, facilitating generalizability to some extent. However, it was observed that this method may have limitations in capturing nuanced and in-depth insights into the experiences and identities of individual preservice teachers. On the other hand, ethnographic and qualitative methods emerged as powerful tools in providing rich and contextualized data, leading to a deeper understanding of the complexities and nuances associated with the integration of preservice teachers in STEM education. These methods allowed researchers to explore the social and cultural factors that influence successful integration, as well as the challenges faced by preservice teachers in the STEM classroom. Despite the strengths of the aforementioned methods, we found that the descriptive case study methodology, experimental design, and longitudinal research design were underutilized in the studies, providing an opportunity for future research to explore these less common approaches. To further enrich the discussion, we include specific examples of studies that employed different methodologies to investigate the integration of preservice teachers in STEM education. These references showcase the diverse applications of survey designs, ethnographic approaches, and qualitative methods, contributing to a deeper understanding of this critical topic. In conclusion, this paper offers a comprehensive review of methodological approaches in the study of preservice teacher integration in STEM education. By highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of different methods, we aim to foster a clearer understanding of the implications of our findings and pave the way for future research that utilizes mixed methods to delve deeper into this vital area of study.

Keywords: preservice, STEM education, integration, methodological approaches.


011: A semiotic concept of embodiment: How relevant emotions are for aesthetic experience?

Codruta Hainic (PhD)
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Cluj, ROMANIA * ORCID: 0009-0004-4591-9659

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: My paper deals, from a philosophical perspective, with materiality, corporality, or bodily nature and the embodiment of signs, a topic that has become a center of interest, mainly after the cognitive turn in semiotics. This bodily nature of signs is not only apparent in nonverbal and paralinguistic communication, where the human body is the sign vehicle, and hence the embodiment of signs, but also in the process of cognitive, neuronal, and cerebral processing of visual, acoustic, and other types of signs, where the human body reveals itself as an interpreter of signs. In short, I will try to investigate the semiotic and cognitive aspects of bodily semiosis considering the case of emotion and its relevance in an aesthetic experience. My assumption is that we can talk about: (1) a concept of the body, which makes evident the basic semiotic competences of an organism, i.e., a semiotic concept of embodiment; (2) the second idea is that the phenomenal body, the bodily being in the world of human beings, provides the condition of possibility for investigating and understanding the body as a source of symbolizing process and a product of cultural inscriptions. The conclusion is that we cannot conceive a semiotic body – a body which generates meaning or to which meaning can be attributed, without the phenomenal body, the latter being, in fact, the existential ground for the former.

Keywords: semiotic body, phenomenal body, embodied meaning, aesthetic experience.


012: External debt and internal debt impact on the growth of the Nepalese economy

Abin Gurung (PhD)
Singhania University, Economics Department, Jhunjhunu, Rajastan, INDIA

Dipak Rijal Prasad (PhD)
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Linguistics, Kathmandu, NEPAL

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The study examines the relationship between internal debt, external debt, and economic growth in Nepal. The contribution of debt to economic growth is significant, as it plays a vital role in capital formation. Therefore, the study aims to investigate the impact of both internal and external debt on the economic growth of Nepal during the period from mid-July 1975 to mid-July 2022. The Ordinary Least Square method is used to establish the relationship between the variables, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller technique is used to test for unit root, and the Granger causality test is used to determine causation between GDP, external debt, and internal debt. The results of the unit root test indicate that the GDP variable is stationary, while the external and internal debt variables are non-stationary. The causality test reveals a bidirectional relationship between external debt and GDP, but no causation between internal debt and GDP. The Johansen Co-integration test demonstrates that there is no long-term correlation between external debt, internal debt, and GDP. The OLS results demonstrate that external debt has a negative impact on economic growth, whereas internal debt has a positive impact on the growth of Nepal’s economy. Furthermore, the study suggests that the adverse impact of external debt on economic growth is more significant than that of internal debt. Consequently, the government should prioritize the use of internal debt over external debt to promote economic growth in Nepal.

Keywords: internal debt, external debt, economic growth (GDP).


013: Geopolitical challenges in the 21st century – The place of the EU in international politics

Tatyana Vasileva Petkova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0003-4567-8635

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 83-92). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: For the first time in Europe, until the start of the war in Ukraine by Russia in February 2022, there is such prosperity, such security and such freedom. A violence in the first half of the 20th century gave way to a period of peace and stability unprecedented in European history. The creation of the European Union was decisive for this development. It has changed the relationship between our countries and the lives of our citizens. European countries are determined to seek the peaceful resolution of disputes and to cooperate through common institutions. During this period, under the influence of the progressive spread of the rule of law and democracy, authoritarian regimes were transformed into secure, stable and dynamic democracies. The present study aims to present a political-philosophical view of the geopolitical challenges in the 21st century and the place of the EU in international politics. The main points of the article are: global challenges and main threats: security is a prerequisite for development; energy dependence; terrorism, etc.

Keywords: geopolitical challenges, international politics, EU.


014: Reformation, Martin Luther (1483-1546), anti-Semitism and Islam

Vladimir Stefanov Chukov (PhD)
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, Ruse, BULGARIA * * ORCID: 0000-0002-4544-3708

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 93-104). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: This study aims to present the philosophical-religious and political-social theses of Martin Luther, as well as the time-specific social construction in which his concepts were born. The research methodology is philosophical-historical, implying the following content of the text: Introduction; Erasmus of Rotterdam and Thomas More - they are perceived as harbingers of free thought in Europe, but at the same time, in principle, both Erasmus and More remained to a greater or lesser extent convinced Catholics. It is no accident that most of their works are studies of religious texts; The Reformation was a consequence of violent socio-economic and political transformations; Martin Luther; A conclusion outlining the influence of Luther's theses and how his teaching played an extremely important role in creating a paradigm in interfaith relations in the Middle Ages. The Reformation was not only the cause of the Western Schism (1374-1417), which modeled relations in Europe and the Christian world. It created a system of international relations, parts of whose profile leave imprints to this day.

Keywords: Reformation, Martin Luther, anti-Semitism, Islam.


015: The theory of nineteenth-century American pragmatism

Daniel Galily (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA * ORCID: 0000-0001-9111-4502

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 105-114). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The purpose of this overview is to give a short introduction to the ideas and activities of nineteenth-century American pragmatism theory for a philosophy conference at the BEN Science Institute in Bulgaria. Pragmatism is a philosophical theory that sees thought as a tool and device for predicting, solving problems and planning action. The philosophy of pragmatism addresses the practical consequences of ideas by examining them in the light of human experience, so that the truth of a claim is determined by practical results and the utility it serves. Pragmatism began in the United States around 1870 by Charles S. Pierce. In addition to Peirce, philosophers such as William James and John Dewey who were members of the “Metaphysical Club” held at Cambridge University in the late 19th century (where the theory was formulated) helped to develop its principles. By reviewing the theory of pragmatism, we must concentrate on the Pragmatic Maxim, the rule for clarifying ideas, which for both Peirce and James, was the core of pragmatism. Another important idea in the theory is Skepticism and fallibilism. This idea claims, according to Pierce, that we should try to doubt propositions and keep them only if they are with absolutely certainty and there is no way to doubt them. The test of certainty, as Peirce points out, lies in the individual mind: trial by doubt is something each must do for himself, and the examination of our beliefs is guided by reflection on hypothetical possibilities: we cannot trust our perceptual beliefs. For example, because we cannot rule out the possibility that they were created by a dream or by evil scientists manipulating our minds. The more we try to avoid errors, the more likely we are to miss truths; And the more effort we put into searching for truths, the more likely we are to introduce errors. The doubt method may make sense in the special case where enormous weight is given to avoiding mistakes, even if it means losing truth. Once we recognize that we are making a practical decision about the relative importance of two good options, the Cartesian strategy no longer seems the only rational one. Inquiry, as already suggested, is pragmatic accounts of the normative standards to which we must act in arriving at beliefs about the world cast in terms of how we can conduct inquiries in a disciplined, self-controlled manner. That is, our ability to think about external things and constantly improve our understanding of them is based on our experience. It would be wrong to conclude that pragmatism is limited to the United States or that the only important pragmatist thinkers were Peirce, James, and Dewey. Richard Rorty has described his philosophy as “pragmatist” on several occasions - what pragmatists teach us about truth, he tells us, is that there is nothing very systematic or constructive to say about truth at all.

Keywords: American pragmatism, skepticism, fallibilism, other pragmatists.


016: Action research – A workshop for education for shared life: Bedouins, and and Jews female teaching students at Kay College foe Education in the southern Region of Israel

Ofer Gat (PhD)
Kaye Academic College, Beer Sheva, ISRAEL

9th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. ---). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.

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Abstract: The importance of multiculturalism in education in general and in academic institutions for teacher training in particular, it receives a lot of attention in the academic-educational research field. Most of the studies held in Israel about teacher training accompanied by a multicultural approach as part of an educational concept discussed the distinction between the attitudes of students from different cultural groups or their achievements; Others proposed models for multicultural education or contented themselves with raising awareness of the need to design models. This study seeks to propose an interventional concept oriented to situation assessment and well planned within the framework of diverse lessons as part of a pragmatic tool – applicable that seeks to educate for intercultural care and cultural competence. To examine these training processes, the qualitative paradigm was chosen by the activation of an action research that continued within the framework of a course called: “Education for ambassadors for a shared life” that was prepared in advance after a careful assessment of the situation and divided into structured steps. 10 female teaching students participated in the study: 6 Jewish and 4 Bedouin Muslim women, residents of the southern region of the State of Israel. The students wrote reflections and were asked to formulate a joint educational project. The results of the study emphasize the importance of learning the mutual culture as a tool that produces closeness and reducing stereotypes; Understanding the need to take mutual cultural responsibility as future teachers and citizens; Collaborative learning spaces of this type create a safe educational space for self-expression and presentation of personal and cultural identity. Cultural sublimation and a sense of belonging were also expressed. All the participants recognize the importance of the topic and the need to learn.

Keywords: education for shared life, multiculturalism, interculturalism, intercultural caring, identity, mutual cultural learning, shared learning spaces.


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004: Contemporary approaches and challenges in classroom management
Alenka Trpin

15 September 2023, 00:01 AM (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

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005: Case study as a method of teaching and diagnosing future teachers
Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova

15 September 2023, 00:01 AM (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

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005: Case study as a method of teaching and diagnosing future teachers
Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova

15 September 2023, 00:08 AM (GMT+01:00) - Description

The purpose of the study was piloting the educational and diagnostic capabilities of the case study method in the training of future primary school teachers. When empirical study students were asked to describe the educational problems, they witnessed as teachers or students. The respondents were also required to offer their own solutions to the problems. The educational cases were classified according to the multivariate typology of the conflict according to the type of the conflict and the content of the conflict. The data obtained indicate an increased occurrence of nurturing situations at primary school. Qualitative analysis showed the absence of scientifically-based students’ solutions of educational problems. Authors developed and piloted an algorithm for solving educational problems by students. Thus, the diagnostic and educational capabilities of case study method served for the transformation of the content and methods of vocational training of future primary school teachers.


008: Steps towards the adulthood of students with autism and individual sessions of special education and training (SET) at the University
Maria Drossinou Korea

15 September 2023, 00:017 AM (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


009: Psychotherapy of psychosomatics in adolescents
Lubomira Dimitrova

15 September 2023, 00:25 AM (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Maria Drossinou Korea (008)

The view on psychotherapy in adolescence as rightly pointed out in the present study, beyond any difficulties defends mental health.
Psychosomatic disorders make it difficult for teenagers to realize what is happening in and around them.

Psychosomatic health is positively commented upon, when teenagers are supported in time with psychotherapy on an emotional, mental and physical level.


003: Personal status of war-related migrants: Jurisdiction and applicable law
Iryna Dikovska

15 September 2023, 08:43 AM (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


003: Personal status of war-related migrants: Jurisdiction and applicable law
Iryna Dikovska

15 September 2023, 10:35 AM (GMT+01:00) - Description

If a person is recognized as a refugee, the law applicable to his or her personal status will be determined on the basis of Article 12 of the Refugee Convention. In other words, in this case, the migration status will affect the determination of the applicable law. The question of whether the migration status of persons under subsidiary and temporary protection should affect the determination of the law applicable to their personal status is debatable. In our opinion, migration status alone cannot influence the determination of the applicable law in this case. It can only be taken into account together with other factors. The rules that determine international jurisdiction over cases involving personal status issues should be applied in such a way that war-related migrants do not lose access to justice.


007: Bulgarian scientific and technical intelligence in Japan during the Cold War
Boryana Miteva

15 September 2023, 12:38 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


009: Psychotherapy of psychosomatics in adolescents
Lubomira Dimitrova

15 September 2023, 12:45 (GMT+01:00) - Response to the comment made by Maria Drossinou Korea (008) - #5

It was this desire to challenge parents of teenagers to pay attention to children's health that sparked my research interest. I'm glad you support my point.


004: Contemporary approaches and challenges in classroom management
Alenka Trpin

15 September 2023, 14:15 AM (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Boryana Miteva (007)

Dear Ms Trpin, thank You for Your interesting presentation! Contemporary education and the place of a teacher in the educational system is an important topic everywhere. I would be glad if You share Your opinion regarding parents’ role. Even though they usually do not appear in the classroom, could parents somehow assist the teacher in classroom management?


002: Concept of Digital Property Law: Categorization of digital assets
Roman Maydanyk

15 September 2023, 14:23 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


008: Steps towards the adulthood of students with autism and individual sessions of special education and training (SET) at the University
Maria Drossinou Korea

16 September 2023, 11:46 AM (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Irina Shatokhina (005)

Dear Maria! Thank you for your research! The problem you are considering in your paper is of great interest. In my opinion, the issue of the organization of special higher education is very relevant today. Another interesting aspect of your study is teaching students with autism at the university. In this regard, I would like to ask you the following questions. How is the problem of training university teachers to work with students with autism solved? How do you see the solution to the problem of overcoming stigmatizing attitudes towards students with autism at the university?


005: Case study as a method of teaching and diagnosing future teachers
Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova

16 September 2023, 17:25 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Boryana Miteva (007)

Dear colleagues, thank you for your presentation! I would be glad to read your study and know the results of your important research. Could you please share what was the most common type of educational problem described by the students who participated in your research?


005: Case study as a method of teaching and diagnosing future teachers
Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova

16 September 2023, 19:59 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Anna Kaltseva (006)

Dear Authors,
I am impressed by your intention to propose an algorithm for more active involvement of students in the learning process. The brief description you make in your resume shows that you are aiming for a more active and responsible participation of the students in the learning process as a kind of teachers. I think it is not an exaggeration to say that globally the role of educational institutions in the coming of age of students is devalued. This leads to a lack of interest in learning on the part of children, to indifference and, accordingly, to the growth of personalities for whom ignorance is a defining feature. But apparently this does not worry the world society, in which it turns out that ignorance is a blessing. However, you are clearly guided by Plato's maxima that ignorance is a disease and with your work you try to educate active, thinking, creative individuals, who will always like to learn new and new things. I wish you success and I am glad that you are oriented towards developing the value system and intuition of children.


008: Steps towards the adulthood of students with autism and individual sessions of special education and training (SET) at the University
Maria Drossinou Korea

17 September 2023, 00:03 AM (GMT+01:00) - Response to the comment made by Irina Shatokhina (005)

Regarding your pertinent questions, I can soon place myself with the following:

[1] The problem of training university professors to work with students with autism is extremely difficult to generalize across all schools and departments.

At the Agricultural University of Athens every academic year informative training sessions are held for teachers. These include topics related to the teaching and assessment of students with autism over the last 10 years.

Also, upon the student's request for exam facilitation, the student welfare office informs the professors. The University it is friendly and avoids stigmatizing tendencies in every way.

[2]. At the University of Peloponnese [Kalamata], there is no specific educational procedure for professors who teach students with autism. Much remains to be done at this level of education and we are working towards it.


010: Methodological approaches in understanding the integration of preservice teachers in STEM education: A comprehensive review
Alex Acquah

17 September 2023, 17:02 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Irina Shatokhina (005)

Dear Maria! Thank you for your research! The problem you are considering in your paper is of great interest. In my opinion, the issue of the organization of special higher education is very relevant today. Another interesting aspect of your study is teaching students with autism at the university. In this regard, I would like to ask you the following questions. How is the problem of training university teachers to work with students with autism solved? How do you see the solution to the problem of overcoming stigmatizing attitudes towards students with autism at the university?


004: Contemporary approaches and challenges in classroom management
Alenka Trpin

17 September 2023, 17:15 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova (005)

Dear Alenka! Your research seems to us relevant and very interesting because of its appeal to the problem of the complexity of the work of a modern classroom teacher. It is important that you've considered this problem from the viewpoint of such a science as educational management. Of particular interest are the results of the empirical part of your study demonstrating the urgency of training class teachers for the implementation of online education. We agree with you that online education at school has both positive and negative properties. Their study and solution in practice should become the subject of contemporary educational researches.


001: Creating structured, differentiated mobile apps for a student with ASD
Maria Drossinou Korea & Panagiotis Alexopoulos

17 September 2023, 17:18 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova (005)

Dear Maria! We have read the abstract of your article with great interest. The interest is explained by the scientific and methodological problem that you are trying to solve with your research. This is the creation of differentiated mobile applications for students with ASD. At the same time, the issue of literature teacher’s participation in this process is raised in your study. In this regard, we have the following question. Should a literature teacher use special technical skills to create a mobile application? Or does the teacher perform an advisory function, helping the developers of the application in creating the literary content of this application?


006: Karma and reincarnation as alternatives to the risk society
Anna Kaltseva

17 September 2023, 19:33 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova (005)

Dear Anna! Thank you for your interest in our research and your comments. In turn, I want to note that I have read the abstract of your paper with great interest. I believe that your study is devoted to one of the urgent problems of present day - the existence of society and people in conditions of constant interaction with risks. In this regard, I have a question: does increasing flow of information, knowledge and advanced technologies lead to raising risks of society and people being?


001: Creating structured, differentiated mobile apps for a student with ASD
Maria Drossinou Korea & Panagiotis Alexopoulos

17 September 2023, 19:43 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


012: External debt and internal debt impact on the growth of the Nepalese economy
Abin Gurung & Dipak Rijal Prasad

17 September 2023, 19:48 (GMT+01:00) - Presentation

Presentation - PDF


001: Creating structured, differentiated mobile apps for a student with ASD
Maria Drossinou Korea & Panagiotis Alexopoulos

17 September 2023, 19:58 (GMT+01:00) - Response to the eomment made by Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova (005)

Good evening, thank you for the comment. We suggest that a literature teacher with basic STEM knowledge can differentiate the texts he or she teaches by using free, easy-to-use tools to build "mobile apps" - mobile friendly websites. We also make such a suggestion in our abstract.


005: Case study as a method of teaching and diagnosing future teachers
Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova

17 September 2023, 20:06 (GMT+01:00) - Response to the comment made by Boryana Miteva (007) - #13

Dear Boryana! We are very grateful to you for your interest in our research and your comments. We will be happy to answer your question concerning our research. First of all, we would like to note that the problems that the students witnessed and participated in were considered by us as educational conflicts. These conflicts were classified according to the multivariate typology of conflicts according to the following criteria: the type of conflict and the content of the conflict. According to the respondents' answers, educational conflicts were identified and distributed as a percentage as follows: 1) by the type of the conflict: intrapersonal – 30%, interpersonal – 32%, between a person and a group – 35%; between groups – 3%; 2) by the content of the conflict: didactic - 20%, nurturing - 62%, combined - 18%. Thus, it can be seen that in our days nurturing (up-bringing) problems prevail in Russian primary education. These are the problems related with the formation of personal values and relationships (relationships to another person, to one’s own family, native region and the motherland as a whole).


006: Karma and reincarnation as alternatives to the risk society
Anna Kaltseva

17 September 2023, 20:58 (GMT+01:00) - Response to the comment made by Anna Astahova, Irina Shatokhina, Elena Shcherbina & Olesya Shestopalova (005)

Dear girls!

I could immediately answer that "Yes", the risks become more with more information. But it will not be completely true, and the German sociologist Ulrich Beck nowhere dares to say such a thing. Because at the end of the day, it's important to help children and everyone around us to trust their hearts first and foremost. That is very generally speaking, but one of the directions is to develop intuition - and this is something I understand that you strive for! The whole truth about the universe, the world and all beings around is within ourselves. When we understand it and learn to ask our hearts, then no matter how much information there is, we will use only that which is poetic for us as good and honest people - therefore also for the people around us, for society.


004: Contemporary approaches and challenges in classroom management
Alenka Trpin

17 September 2023, 22:37 (GMT+01:00) - Comment made by Panagiotis Alexopoulos (001)

This is an interesting abstract. Indeed, distance learning has contributed to the rapid digital transformation of education. It would also be interesting to know how teachers in Slovenia managed their classroom at a distance with students with special learning difficulties and the tools they used. We would also be happy to read a full text of the abstract.


COAS Editorial Office, Belgrade, SERBIA

17 September 2023, 24:00 (GMT+01:00): The end of the Conference

Dear participants, we would like to inform you that the 9th COAS e-Conference is officially finished. We are so grateful to you for performing activities of posting presentations and comments in these 3 days, and we think that it contributed to the conference to be more successful. We thank you so much for all your efforts made in previous days.

The deadline for submission of the full texts is 5 November 2023, and the Conference Proceedings will be published with official ISBN and DOI for each article, to the end of 2023.

We announce now that we will organize the 10th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (10IeCSHSS), in September 2024, as our next online conference.

Best regards from Belgrade.

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Aims and Scope

The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference have organized as a kind of a multi-disciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.

These were the following areas of study covered by the e-Conference: Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Science of Education, History, Linguistics, Arts, Sociology, Political Science, Law, and Economics.

The e-Conference have organized exclusively as an online conference, and the English was the only language of the conference.

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The e-Conference had realized on 15-17 September 2023, starting by exposing accepted abstracts at the COAS website (15 September 2023, 00:00 AM, GMT+01:00). It was followed by the posting at the COAS website different textual contents sent by the e-Conference participants, such as discussions, analyses, critics, comments, suggestions, proposals, etc., regarding exposed abstracts and other contents. All textual contents were reviewed and posted at the COAS website by the e-Conference moderators, appointed by the Scientific Committee.

All submitted full texts went through two reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least two reviewers), and (2) non-blind (two members of the Scientific Committee). The accepted abstracts and full texts are published online in the Conference Proceedings, with regular eISBN number (all articles are enabled with DOI), or in the one of COAS Open Journals (authors choose the option). The key conclusions from the e-Conference discussions had also published as part of the Conference Proceedings, by decision of the Scientific Committee. The Conference Proceedings have submitted for indexing in different international databases.

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 COAS e-Conferences


The COAS plans and organizes e-conferences, as a kind of online international sessions, in different areas of science. E-conferences will be organized with different academic partners (institutions of higher education, research institutes, governmental institutions, NGOs, scientific associations, etc.).


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