2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
How to reference the articles? (each article has its own DOI): |
Fader, L. (2018). Development of the flute from pre-history to modern days. In: T. V. Petkova & V. S. Chukov (Eds.), 2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-26). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science. https://doi.org/10.32591/coas.e-conf.02.01001f |
001: Development of the flute from pre-history to modern days
Leah Fader
002: Representation of mental states of field-dependent and field-independent personalities in their subjective experience
Lira Vladimirovna Artishcheva
003: Phraseological units with head words designating watercraft in Bulgarian and Greek
Radostina Genchova Nikolova
004: Speech-communicative skills in the structure of predictive competence of young schoolchildren with sensory disorders
Irina Aleksandrovna Nigmatullina & Viktoriya Jurevna Dadakina
005: Political and philosophical discourse on the border between the Caliphate and terrorism – ISIS
Vladimir Stefanov Chukov
006: Contemporary philosophical debate on globalization
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova
007: Deficiency of prognostic competence in younger school students with persistent learning difficulties
Anna Ivanovna Akhmetzyanova, Tatyana Vasilyevna Artemyeva & Natalia Vladimirovna Ryabova
008: Burn-out syndrome and behavior in conflict situations among nurses and doctors
Emelina Valentinova Zaimova-Tsaneva & Tsvetelina Slavchova Hadjieva
009: EU information policy as a factor of sustainable development
Elitsa Nenkova Dimova
010: Sociology and epistemology
Angel Metodiev Tsvetkov
011: A research in car design concept – Citroën DS
Marijus Musta
012: Religion and universal values
Petya Pachkova
013: The importance of visual education in e-learning
Vasiliki Karavakou & Vasileios Neofotistos
001: Development of the flute from pre-history to modern days
Leah Fader (PhD)
Lakehead University, Department of Music, Thunder Bay, CANADA
lcfader@lakeheadu.ca * ORCID: ---------- * Researcher ID: ----------
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-22). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: A flute is a “keyed woodwind instrument consisting of a cylindrical tube which is stopped at one end, and which has a side hole over which air is blown to produce the tone,” as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. Unfortunately, this definition is only true of modern flutes. The first flutes were simple pieces of bone that had been fashioned with drilled holes. These prehistoric flutes have been discovered as artifacts in many places around the world. However, through time keys were added to expand the note range of the instrument, and to improve the intonation of the notes that were played. These improvements were added slowly, but as interest in the instrument grew, so did new ideas about its technical properties. In this paper I discuss how the flute progresses through time from a simple bone to the metal-keyed instruments of today.
Keywords: music, flute, pre-historic, Egypt, Mesoamerica, bone flute, keys, intonation.
002: Representation of mental states of field-dependent and field-independent personalities in their subjective experience
Lira Vladimirovna Artishcheva (PhD)
Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University, Institute for Psychology and Education, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
ladylira2013@yandex.ru * ORCID: 0000-0002-9572-1307 * Researcher ID: N-1604-2013
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 27-38). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The relevance of the research is caused by a problem of representation of mental states of a personality in the structure of subjective experience. Successful identification of mental states is determined by the clarity of the images of mental states stored in a person’s experience. The article is aimed at studying the image of the mental state of field-dependent and field-independent personalities in “past-present-future” time continuum. The data obtained from the study was statistically processed; content analysis and structural and comparative analysis were used, which allowed to detect the dynamics of intensity of mental states image, the degree of structure organization and consistency. The study revealed that mental states of field-dependent subjects are represented in subjective experience with a more complex structure that persists in the foreseeable future. The structure of the state image of field-independent subjects is less organized and is being destroyed in perspective, i.e. there is no clarity in assessing the states in the expected future. The materials of this article can be useful for more successful interaction with different people, for the process of regulation and control of the course of mental states, as well as for predicting mental states in various situations.
Keywords: mental states, field-dependence, field-independence, subjective experience, structure, dynamics.
003: Phraseological units with head words designating watercraft in Bulgarian and Greek
Radostina Genchova Nikolova (PhD student)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philology, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
radost87ina@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0003-1552-8257 * Researcher ID: Q-2112-2018
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 39-48). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: This paper compares phraseological units denoting watercraft in Bulgarian and Greek, by considering their forms and semantics. This analysis allows linguistic and ethno-psycholinguistic conclusions to be drawn about these two Balkan nations. For phraseologisms with the same head words in both languages, complete and partial similarities are observed. However, a far greater number of phraseological units are found in Greek alone, which can be explained by the fact that, in comparison to Bulgaria, sailing is a common occupation in Greece. A semantic classification reveals that most phraseologisms are significantly personally oriented; in addition, it offers insight into specific features of the world views of Greeks and Bulgarians.
Keywords: phraseology, ethno-psycholinguistics, structural peculiarities, semantics, comparative analysis, Balkan languages.
004: Speech-communicative skills in the structure of predictive competence of young schoolchildren with sensory disorders
Irina Aleksandrovna Nigmatullina (PhD)
irinigma@mail.ru * ORCID: 0000-0001-6151-6164 * Researcher ID: N-1582-2013
Viktoriya Jurevna Dadakina
ToshkaE437TT@mail.ru * ORCID: ---------- * Researcher ID: ----------
Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University, Institute for Psychology and Education, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 49-58). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
The relevance of this research is determined by the fact that, until now, the issues concerning the study of prognostic competence in speech activity of young schoolchildren with sensory disorders have not been sufficiently studied. This determines the purpose of this study: to identify the main directions of development of speech-communicative function of prognostic competence in children of primary school age with sensory impairments with consideration of the identified specific features. The fundamental method of the study is the analysis of researches studying the speech-communicative skills of primary school age children in the structure of prognostic competence as a condition for their successful socialization, the method of experiment, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the obtained data with the use of mathematical statistics.
The experiment involved 43 younger schoolchildren with sensory impairments and 50 younger schoolchildren with no disorders. The study was carried out in educational institutions for children with disabilities and for normotypical children located in Kazan. The research used the methodology called “The ability to predict in situations of potential or real violation of a social norm” which was developed by academic staff of the department of defectology and clinical psychology of K(VR)FU.
The experiment revealed that speech-communication function in younger schoolchildren with sensory impairments is formed insufficiently. The answers of respondents are characterized by minimal verbalization of the forecasts in the form of a simple non-extended monosyllabic sentence or in the form of listing of different verbs, be the poverty of speech-language means, by the absence of other participants in the forecasts, and by the use of verbs of present or past tenses. In addition, respondents had low values in almost all spheres of relations, namely in the area of attitudes toward learning, relationships with peers, in the sphere of communication with adults, in virtual communication, in the spheres of attitude towards illness and relationships in the family. These data indicate low level of formation of the speech-communicative function of predictive competence in younger schoolchildren with visual and hearing disorders.
The analysis of data helped to develop the program of correctional work on the development of the speech-communicative function of predictive competence in younger schoolchildren with sensory disorders. The program uses prognostic tasks presented in forms for recording the answers in the form of pictures. All tasks are divided into 6 areas, which turn out to be the most significant ones for younger schoolchildren with sensory disorders. Each unit consists of three prognostic tasks which the subject is offered to complete. The answers are given orally; the experimenter records the answers of younger schoolchildren in the forms.
The results of the research let us to outline the areas for further research in the field of studying the prognostic competence of younger schoolchildren with sensory disorders of the development with consideration of the socialization space structure.
Keywords: predictive competence, young schoolchildren, sensory disorders, speech skills, communication skills.
005: Political and philosophical discourse on the border between the Caliphate and terrorism – ISIS
Vladimir Stefanov Chukov (PhD)
University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Faculty of Business and Management, BULGARIA
vladimir_chukov@abv.bg * vlach1@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0002-4544-3708 * Researcher ID: Y-9550-2018
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 59-74). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The Islamic terrorism has unleashed the migration wave to Europe from the Middle East countries. On 30 June 2014 the extremist organization “The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant” (ISIS or ISIL) has announced the establishment of a caliphate. With this act its leaders not only has shocked the region and the world, but also they challenged the contemporary Islamic theologians. As a matter of fact, “khalifa” Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi triggered the most important “takfiri”, apostatizing trend within Muslim world. They formed the dogmatic case which brought to the surface the group as a real entity which has long struggled leadership among the other terrorist formations. After the announcement of the caliphate ISIL, it abolished “Iraq and the Levant” from its name and became only “The Islamic state”, and it does claiming their uniqueness to their competitors. This terrorist organization has had a long history in Iraq. It has appeared on the map of extremist actors of still living former dictator Saddam Hussein. Its “birth date” is about 2000 and its creator is the Jordanian Abu Musaab Zarqawi.
Keywords: ISIS, terrorism, conflict, migration.
006: Contemporary philosophical debate on globalization
Tatyana Vasileva Petkova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
tatianavas@abv.bg * tpetkova@swu.bg * ORCID: 0000-0003-4567-8635 * Researcher ID: I-2809-2015
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 75-88). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The article aims to present one typology of the numerous theories of globalization, based on the following criteria: (1) genetic (typologisation of position of “start” and the stages of the globalization process); (2) convergent-divergent (typologisation form of the perspective of understanding that globalization leads to homogenization or heterogenization of the worldwide achieved integrity); (3) evaluation (typologisation form of globalization’s assessment); (4) philosophical and anthropological (typologisation form of notions of anthropological consequences from globalization).
Keywords: globalization, theories of globalization, criteria of the globalization process.
007: Deficiency of prognostic competence in younger school students with persistent learning difficulties
Anna Ivanovna Akhmetzyanova (PhD)
Anna.Ahmetzyanova@kpfu.ru * аh_anna@list.ru * ORCID: 0000-0002-4962-0011 * Researcher ID: N-1090-2013
Tatyana Vasilyevna Artemyeva (PhD student)
Tatyana.Artemeva@kpfu.ru * ORCID: 0000-0002-0040-1301 * Researcher ID: M-9798-2013
Natalia Vladimirovna Ryabova (PhD)
cpsm@mordgpi.ru * ORCID: 0000-0002-0697-483X * Researcher ID: ----------
Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University, Institute of Psychology and Education, RUSSIAN FEDERATION
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 89-96). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
The problem of anticipation occupies an important place in psychological research. Through anticipation, a school student is able to control the learning activity; the mental processes acquire qualitative changes associated with the function of consciousness. In terms of forecasting development, the younger school age has a special place. Social responsibility, widening the circle and complicating the content of meaningful relationships with people raises the requirements for anticipating the consequences of their own actions and actions of younger school students. The aim of the research is to study experimentally the prognostic competence of junior school students with persistent difficulties in learning and identifying the specifics of their forecasting in important spheres of life for a child.
Materials and Methods: As a diagnostic tool, the author’s method “Ability to forecast in the situations of potential or real violation of social norms” was used. The study involved 80 primary 8-10 year old school students studying in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Mordovia.
Results: It revealed deficiency of cognitive and speech-communicative spheres of prognostic competence of junior school students with persistent difficulties in learning; the lack of forecasting in the field of learning, which includes educational cooperation and educational communication of the child; the predominance of the pessimistic attitude and generalization of the forecast, passive position of school students in the forecast future situations..
Discussion and conclusion: The data obtained in the study does not contradict the results of earlier studies, confirming that for schoolchildren with learning difficulties it is harder to predict the development of events in educational activities, and on the contrary, they were more successful in predicting relations with peers. Children with persistent learning difficulties find it more difficult to recognize the emotions of participants in the events, the forecast is more passive and pessimistic. The features of prognostic competence revealed in the study make it possible to form individual programs for the development of the prognostic abilities of schoolchildren with persistent learning difficulties.
Keywords: junior school student, learning difficulties, forecasting competence, functions of forecasting competence, criteria of forecasting competence, areas of forecasting, lack of forecasting.
008: Burn-out syndrome and behavior in conflict situations among nurses and doctors
Emelina Valentinova Zaimova-Tsaneva (PhD)
emelina_z@swu.bg * ORCID: 0000-0001-6659-0347 * Researcher ID: V-2964-2018
Tsvetelina Slavchova Hadjieva (PhD student)
cveti_hadjieva@swu.bg * ORCID: 0000-0001-7856-9430 * Researcher ID: V-2907-2018
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 97-104). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: Due to its influence on behavior, the burn-out syndrome among nurses and doctors is an actual problem of modern management of medical employees. This study was conducted among 189 nurses and doctors and its aim was to examine the influence of burn-out syndrome on their behavior in conflict situations. The levels of burn-out syndrome and the most common type of behavior in conflict situations in nurses and doctors were studied. The types of behavior in conflict situations could be “competing”, “collaborating”, “compromising”, “avoiding” and “accommodating”, which were measured with the Bulgarian version of The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). Establishing the level of burn-out among nurses and doctors is necessary for purposeful therapeutic work aimed at developing work-related stress tolerance and for better control of behavior in conflict situations.
Keywords: burn-out syndrome, behavior, conflict situations.
009: EU information policy as a factor of sustainable development
Elitsa Nenkova Dimova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
edim40@yahoo.com * ORCID: 0000-0003-1616-1178 * Researcher ID: ----------
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 105-114). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: EU information policy emerged only in the mid-1980s as a set of mutually related strands and policy decisions. Two levels of information policy are essentially developed. One is related to the information society and its infrastructure, and the other to access to information. Apart from the focus of the information industry, ranging from telecommunications, the Internet and e-services, the problem of information policy and the global information society is related to macro, micro and meso-economic levels. Here is the link with the sustainable development strategy. Sustainable development is seen not only in the narrow sense of the word as an element of environmental and regional policies, but also in the possible broader view – as a principle of responsible governance for achieving social cohesion, as one of the possibilities for the EU to consolidate internally with aid from the information policy, despite strong centrifugal trends in European integration. At a time when the EU is moving into a new phase of political integration, there is a need for an open debate on the finality, structure and political scope of reunification. From what trends will prevail – decentralization or vice versa – the consolidation depends on the future of the world and its development.
Keywords: European Union, information policy, sustainable development, communication strategy, information society, development policy.
010: Sociology and epistemology
Angel Metodiev Tsvetkov (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
angeltsvetkov@swu.bg * ORCID: 0000-0003-0507-073X * Researcher ID: U-7573-2017
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 115-120). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The thesis I want to raise, or I would rather like to suggest, as a subject of discussion, without rushing into a solid argument in its favor which is inspired intuitively, probably is the result of years of work on epistemological issues, using the sociological perspective for this purpose. In the search for fundamental basis of science and sociology in particular, I am increasingly convinced, that the idea of sociology as a fundamental science could be one of the sequels of epistemology. This probably sounds like a cliché as “any science is epistemology”, but I dare say that there are reasons, background, and it may be said, that the first step was made by the philosophy of positivism and the evolution and formation of sociology as an independent science, but also continued in the tradition of the sociology of knowledge.
Keywords: sociology, epistemology, anthropology.
011: A research in car design concept – Citroën DS
Marijus Musta (PhD student)
West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Arts and Design, ROMANIA
marius.musta11@gmail.com * ORCID: 0000-0002-1256-1855 * Researcher ID: S-3434-2018
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 121-132). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: The Citroën model “DS 19” did not have the model redesign itself, however it was created as a Brand. The Brand “DS” was inspired by the companies that were strictly concerned with modifying the machines coming directly from the factories by adding them aesthetic in terms of performance. This article is based on the research of Citroën cars, forgotten by many people, where the model “DS 19” will have appearance and proposal of more dynamic, innovative and modern design.
Keywords: Citroën, DS 19, design, innovation, modern design.
012: Religion and universal values
Petya Pachkova (PhD)
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”, Faculty of Philosophy, Blagoevgrad, BULGARIA
pepun@abv.bg * ORCID: 0000-0002-0021-1874 * Researcher ID: Y-9734-2018
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 133-140). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: This article analyzes the interrelation between religion and universal values. There is questioning the existence of such values generally. In addition, it is analyzed the claim of religions that they are standing behind such values and historical facts in this regard.
Keywords: universal values, religion.
013: The importance of visual education in e-learning
Vasiliki Karavakou (PhD)
vkm@uom.edu.gr * ORCID: 0000-0001-8973-0162 * Researcher ID: X-4009-2018
Vasileios Neofotistos (PhD student)
vneof@uom.edu.gr * ORCID: 0000-0002-9288-6608 * Researcher ID: X-3985-2018
University of Macedonia, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, Thessaloniki, GREECE
2nd International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings (pp. 141-150). Belgrade: Center for Open Access in Science.
Abstract: In the rapidly changing learning landscape of modern globalization emerging distance learning technologies constitute valuable innovative educational methods that create new possibilities for learning and knowledge. Distance learning refers to those learning activities that are based on specially designed learning material. A key feature of the material is the visual representation of information both in print and digital form. The resolution of an image is constructed by (re-)composing the multiple parameters affecting communication. The image is the message in the process.
Our motivation for investigating the dynamics of visual culture in relation to the educational material used within e-learning issues from: (a) the specific nature of the information that represents the educational material that is organized and applied in the context of distance learning, and (b) the absence of visual culture in almost all levels of education, which is full of visual representations both in print and digital forms.
The structure of the paper develops around two thematic pillars: (a) Presenting criteria that examine the appropriateness of visual material of MOOC courses, (b) Examination (through bibliographical review) of key visual elements and techniques necessary for the acquisition of skills and the development of visual intelligence through the subject of “History of Art”. In all cases of visual stimuli and all levels of visual intelligence, meaning exists not only in individual representational data and symbolic and verbal material but also in the composing forces coexisting with the actual visual description.
Keywords: Keywords: e-learning, visual education, visual culture, visual communication.
Aims and Scope
The aim of the e-Conference was to bring together scholars, administrators and students from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in different areas of Humanities and Social Sciences. The e-Conference is organized as a kind of a multi-disciplinary forum which provided the appropriate opportunities for inter-disciplinary communications.
The following areas of study are covered by the e-Conference: Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Science of Education, History, Linguistics, Arts, Sociology, Political Science, Law, and Economics.
The e-Conference is organized exclusively as an online conference, and the English was the only language of the conference.
Organization of the e-Conference
Two phases of the e-Conference realization are applied.
The first phase was the e-Pre-Conference Discussion (from 17 to 20 December 2018), and this phase is followed by the posting at the COAS website different textual forms sent by the e-Conference participants, such as discussions, analyses, critics, comments, suggestions, proposals, etc., regarding exposed abstracts. All textual forms are reviewed and posted at the COAS website by the e-Conference moderators.
The second phase was the e-Conference Discussion, and it is realized at the e-Conference day (21 December 2018), from 00 to 24 (GMT+01:00). This discussion is realized in the same way as the e-Pre-Conference discussion, regarding the full texts exposed at the COAS website.
All submitted abstracts/full texts went through two reviewing processes: (1) double-blind (at least two reviewers), and (2) non-blind (two members of the Scientific Committee). Final decision for the presenting and publishing depended of the two kinds of reviews, thus a paper is recommended by non-blind reviewers and blind reviewers, in order to be accepted for presentation at the conference and to be published in the Conference Proceedings.
The full texts is scheduled to be published in the Conference Proceedings, with regular ISBN number, or in the one of COAS Open Journals (authors choose the option). The Conference Proceedings is published online on 26 December 2018, as it was previously scheduled, and submitted for indexing in different international databases. The key elements from the e-Pre- and the e-Conference discussions are summarized and also published as part of the Conference Proceedings, by decision of the Scientific Committee.
IBAN RS35160005400002555368
© Center for Open Access in Science
The COAS conceptualize, plans and organizes e-conferences, as a kind of online international sessions, in different areas of science. E-conferences will be organized with different academic partners (institutions of higher education, research institutes, governmental institutions, NGOs, scientific associations, etc.). |